Animal Welfare Regulations 4-H Veterinary Science Extension Veterinary Medicine Texas AgriLife Extension Service College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science Texas A&M System
Objectives Understand that surveillance of animal production practices protects the well-being of animals Understand that the veterinary medical profession supports animal health
Animal Cruelty Infliction of pain Causing an animal to suffer Prolonged pain, discomfort, hunger, thirst, fear, distress Neglect of basic needs
Animal Welfare Free from Disease Injury Malnutrition Thriving Free from Suffering Prolonged pain, discomfort, hunger, thirst, fear, distress Positive experiences Comfort, contentment
Veterinarians Help Provide long term concern for the well being of animals and proper care
Animal Cruelty Laws Hour Law 1958 Humane Slaughter Law State Animal Cruelty Laws
Responders Area humane societies Municipal animal control departments When Cruelty is Reported
Animal Welfare Act Federal 1966 Regulated by USDA-APHIS
Animal treatments Housing Handling Care Treatment Transportation All must be humane
Animals are regulated by Non-production (non-agricultural) research Non-production (non-agricultural) exhibition Commercial transportation Wholesale of pets Livestock and poultry are excluded if not used for research, food or fiber production, improving animal production
Animals protected by law must Adequate housing Handling Sanitation Food Water Transportation Veterinary Care Shelter