Physics 202: Introduction to Astronomy – Lecture 6 Carsten Denker Physics Department Center for Solar–Terrestrial Research
February 8, 2006Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research Chapter 3.1 – 3.5 Reflecting and refracting telescopes Prime focus Image formation Newtonian and Cassegrain telescopes Coudé focus Collecting area Angular resolution Diffraction Seeing Image processing Active Optics Adaptive Optics Radio Astronomy Interferometry X-ray and γ-ray Astronomy Multi-wavelength observations
February 8, 2006Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research Telescopes
February 8, 2006Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research Telescope Types
February 8, 2006Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research Sensitivity and Angular Resolution Rayleigh criterion
February 8, 2006Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research Seeing and Adaptive Optics
February 8, 2006Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research Radio Astronomy