1 A Novel Mechanism for Flooding Based Route Discovery in Ad hoc Networks Jian Li and Prasant Mohapatra Networks Lab, UC Davis
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 2 / 22 Agenda Introduction Our Proposal: PANDA PANDA Algorithms Performance Evaluation Conclusion
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 3 / 22 What is a Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET)? A set of wireless devices that can move around freely Form a dynamic topology via ad hoc wireless links No fixed infrastructure, no central administration Limited bandwidth, battery, etc MANET applications Military tactical communication Disaster relief Conferencing ... Intro (1): MANET
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 4 / 22 Intro (2): Routing in MANET Why routing is different in MANETs? Unpredictable moving pattern Dynamic link availability, limited bandwidth Fast changing topology Other concerns: battery source, security issues, etc Proposed routing protocols Proactive v.s. Reactive (On-Demand) Topology-based v.s. Position-based
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 5 / 22 Intro (3): Flooding based Routing Flooding technique is often used by on demand protocols, such as Dynamic Source Routing(DSR) and Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector(AODV) routing S D Route Request Route Reply Broadcast Storm Problem: for example, node C may receive broadcast messages from nodes A and B almost simultaneously, which results in a collision. C A B Proposed Solution: each node applies a random delay before rebroadcasting a message or responding to a broadcast message.
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 6 / 22 Intro(4): Random Rebroadcast Delay Random Rebroadcast Delay (RRD) approach can solve the problem of “broadcast storm” effectively But, the “Randomness” also introduces a new problem: “Next-hop Racing” behavior S I J K M L D At nodes L and M, node I “wins” over node J, even if J is better than I in term of link lifetime Suppose: Node I moves much faster than Node J, so the link S-I will be broken sooner than the link S-J. It happens that: Node I rebroadcast earlier than Node J.
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 7 / 22 Agenda Introduction Our Proposal: PANDA PANDA Algorithms Performance Evaluation Conclusion
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 8 / 22 Our Proposal: PANDA (1) PANDA Positional Attributes based Next-hop Determination Approach Basic idea of PANDA Classify neighboring nodes into different classes, each of which uses a different delay range such that better candidates go first “Good” or “Bad” candidates Utilize geographical location, velocity, energy, etc., to determine the rebroadcast delay
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 9 / 22 Our Proposal: PANDA (2) Greedy approach selecting better link at each hop hopefully leads to better end-to- end routes Fully distributed an intermediate node makes local decision without any communications with its neighboring nodes Versatile capabilities e.g., search for a route with smallest number of hops, or with minimal transmission power consumption, etc
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 10 / 22 Agenda Introduction Our Proposal: PANDA PANDA Algorithms Performance Evaluation Conclusion
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 11 / 22 PANDA Algorithms Different Variants PANDA-LO (Location Only) PANDA-LV (Location & Velocity) PANDA-TP (Transmission Power)
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 12 / 22 PANDA-LO (Location Only) Determine rebroadcast delay according to link distance Attempt to make a big jump at each hop At node A If |SA| > L1 delay = t1 + uniform(0, t1) else if |SA| > L2 delay = 2*t1 + uniform(0, t1) else if |SA| > L3 delay = 3*t1 + uniform(0, t1) else delay = 4*t1 + uniform(0, t1) Note: L1 > L2 > L3 and T1 > T2 > T3.
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 13 / 22 PANDA-LV (Location & Velocity) Determine rebroadcast delay according to link distance and lifetime Attempt to select more stable link with a BIG jump At node A If |SA| > L1 && Lifetime > T1 delay = t1 + uniform(0, t1) else if |SA| > L2 && Lifetime > T2 delay = 2*t1 + uniform(0, t1) else if |SA| > L3 && Lifetime > T3 delay = 3*t1 + uniform(0, t1) else delay = 4*t1 + uniform(0, t1) Note: L1 > L2 > L3 and T1 > T2 > T3. This figure shows how to estimate the link lifetime.
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 14 / 22 PANDA-TP (Transmission Power) Motivation: multiple small hops can save transmission power over a big single hop Assuming the path loss is a simple function of the transmission distance: The path energy ratio:
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 15 / 22 Similar to PANDA-LO, only consider link distance Attempt to make a big jump at each hop PANDA-TP (2) At node A If |SA| < L3 delay = t1 + uniform(0, t1) else if |SA| < L2 delay = 2*t1 + uniform(0, t1) else if |SA| < L1 delay = 3*t1 + uniform(0, t1) else delay = 4*t1 + uniform(0, t1) Note: L1 > L2 > L3 and T1 > T2 > T3. smaller
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 16 / 22 Agenda Introduction Our Proposal: PANDA PANDA Algorithms Performance Evaluation Conclusion
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 17 / 22 Simulation Setup NS-2 simulator simulation area 1500m x 300m 250m transmission range 100 nodes 30 connections speed (0, 20) m/sec “random waypoint” mobility model pause time: 0, 30, 60, 150, 300, and 500 sec simulation time 500 sec
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 18 / 22 Simulation Results (1) Path optimality ratio = length of actual path / optimal path
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 19 / 22 Simulation Results (2) End to end delay
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 20 / 22 Simulation Results (3) Energy conserving route discovery
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 21 / 22 Agenda Introduction Our Proposal: PANDA PANDA Algorithms Performance Evaluation Conclusion
Networks UC Davis Jian Li, Prasant Mohapatra 22 / 22 Conclusion PANDA approach outperforms RRD approach Both PANDA-LO and PANDA-LV can improve path optimality PANDA-LV can improve end-to-end delay PANDA-TP can discover routes with much less power consumption than RRD approach