Bounding Theory Constraints on Wh-movement
NP islands What i did Bill claim [ CP that he read t i ?] *What did Bill make [ NP the claim [ CP that he read t i ?]] can get out of a CP can’t get out of an NP Islands are surrounded by water: you can’t get off of (out of) them. Wh- movement can’t get out of an island NPs are islands
Wh-islands I wonder [ CP what i [ TP John bought t i with the $20 bill]] [ CP How i do [ TP you think [ CP John bought the sweater t i ? ]]] *[ CP How k do [ TP you wonder [ CP what i [ TP John bought t i t k ]]]]
Wh-islands I wonder [ CP what i [ TP John kissed t i ?]] Who j did you think [ CP [ TP t j kissed the gorilla?]] *Who k did you wonder [ CP what i [ TP t k kissed t i ?]]
Wh-islands u A CP with a wh-word in its specifier is an island for the movement of another wh-word.
How do we account for the island phenomena? u The theory that constrains Wh- movement is called Bounding Theory u Bounding theory ≠ Binding Theory
Subjacency u Bounding Node: NP or TP u The Subjacency Condition: u Don’t cross TWO bounding nodes u (Only nodes that dominate the wh-word count!)
Cycles [ CP What do [ IP you think [ CP [ IP Bill loves t i ]]]] Subjacency: You can’t cross TWO bounding nodes. If you do the movement in two hops (first to the intermediate CP specifier, then to the higher CP specifier) then you don’t violate the subjacency condition.
NP islands [ CP What i did [ TP Bill claim [ CP that [ TP he read t i ?]] *[ CP What did [ TP Bill make [ NP the claim [ CP that [ TP he read t i ?]]] two bounding nodes three bounding nodes Remember: ONLY NPs that dominate the wh-word count as bounding nodes
Can’t cross TWO bounding nodes [ CP What did [ TP Bill claim [ CP that [ TP he read t i ]]]] *[ CP What did [ TP Bill make [ NP the claim [ CP that [ TP he read t i ]]]] This move is ok This move crosses two bounding nodes, so this move is bad. *
Wh-islands: Try 1 [ CP ____ did [+wh] [ IP you wonder [ CP _____ Ø [+wh] [ IP who kissed what ?]] [ CP ____ did [+wh] [ IP you wonder [ CP what i Ø [+wh] [ IP who kissed t i ?]] Can’t do this. The specifier of this CP is already filled by “what” *
Wh-islands: Try 2 [ CP ____ did [+wh] [ TP you wonder [ CP _____ Ø [+wh] [ TP who kissed what ?]] [ CP ____ did [+wh] [ TP you wonder [ CP what i Ø [+wh] [ TP who kissed t i ?]] Can’t do this! It violates the subjacency condition!! *
Wh-islands: Try 3 [ CP ____ did [+wh] [ TP you wonder [ CP _____ Ø [+wh] [ TP who kissed what ?]] [ CP ____ did [+wh] [ TP you wonder [ CP who k Ø [+wh] [ TP t k kissed what i ?]] [ CP who k did [+wh] [ TP you wonder [ CP t k Ø [+wh] [ TP t k kissed what i ?]] * can’t do this! Specifier of lower CP is occupied by trace of who
No way to do it! u There is no way to derive a wh-island sentence like: *Who do you think what read?
Summary u Bounding theory restricts how far you move with Wh-movement. u Subjacency condition: u don’t cross 2 or more bounding nodes u Bounding nodes: NP/TP u Accounts for island phenomena: u NP islands u Wh islands