Synopsis of sub- workshops Objectives :- n Adequately cover the prevailing issues on air quality management and control n Ensure thorough exchange of knowledge and ideas n Generate practical recommendations for cleaning the air in the region
The Sub-workshops 1. Strategic air quality management in Asian Cities 2. Air Quality Monitoring 3. Stationary Sources 4. Mobile Sources 5. Institutional Arrangements for Air Quality Management 6. Climate Change
Climate Change Stationary Source Mobile Source Monitoring Institutional Arrangements Strategic Management Inter-linkages
Sub-workshop 1: Strategic air Quality Management n Wide coverage of air management issues, both outdoor and indoor pollution in Asia n Experience in Europe n Approaches in formulating management strategies
Sub-workshop 2: Air quality Monitoring n Overview of the role and issues on air quality monitoring n Air quality monitoring practices in selected nations and cities: PRC, Beijing, Guangzhou, Los Angeles, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Singapore, California
n Overview of the management issues in US, PRC, Thailand... n Addressing the toxics n Emission trading: will it work? Sub-workshop 3: Stationary sources
n Overall control strategy n Issues of E&M and retrofitting n Better fuel quality and cleaner fuels n Cost and Benefit? Sub-workshop 4: Mobile Sources
n Issues and challenges n Governance: institutional and regulations n Market based instruments n Capacity building, training and partnerships Sub-workshop 5: Institutional Arrangement
n Perspectives of changes n Heat island, acid rain n Causes: ozone, soot, CO2 n National and international collaboration to combat climate change issues Sub-workshop 6: Climate Change
Sub workshop composition n Participants were asked to indicate first and second choice of sub workshop. n Final composition of sub workshop based on priorities participants and capacity in sub workshop rooms