Perspective View (finite Center of Projection)
Parallel View (Center of Projection at Infinity)
Orthographic 1. Parallel Projectors 2. Sometimes Projectors Perpendicular to Projection Plane 3. If Projection Plane is Parallel to One Face = Multiview (above)
Axonometric 1. Projectors Perpendicular to Projection Plane 2. Projection Plane Can Have Any Orientation w.r.t. Object
Oblique 1. Projectors Make Any Angle with Projection Plane (still parallel though) 2. Projection Plane Can Have Any Orientation w.r.t. Object
Back to Perspective View (finite Center of Projection = objects become smaller the farther away they are from viewer)
Types of Perspective Views 1. One-Point Perspective = 1 vanishing pt., 2 principal directions are parallel to projection plane 2. Two-Point Perspective = 2 vanishing pts., 1 principal direction is parallel to projection plane 3. Three-Point Perspective = 3 vanishing pts., 0 principal directions are parallel to projection plane