Institutional Accreditation Review Christine M. Ladisch Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Getting Prepared:
Review occurs every ten years Last review was in Purdue continually accredited since 1913
Purpose: Maintain the institution’s eligibility to receive federal funds for student financial aid. Assure the quality of the institution and its programs through enforcement of financial and administrative standards. Encourage improvement of the institution and its programs. Promote institutional accountability and provide consumers with information about the institution.
Types of Accreditation 1)Institutional regional national (e.g., religious or trade schools) 2)Professional focuses on a discipline (e.g., engineering, business)
Who conducts institutional reviews? There is no national, centralized “Ministry of Education” to enforce academic standards. The Higher Learning Commission which is part of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools has legal authority from the Department of Education to accredit colleges and universities. HLC accreditation is based on a peer review process.
Regional Accreditation Northwest Western North CentralSouthern Middle States New England North Central region – 19 states, 980 colleges/universities
Review Stages and Timeline HLC notifies Purdue to “get ready”. Purdue identifies self-study coordinator and suggests potential site-visit dates. Campus conducts self-study and prepares report. Site visit by review team. late Fall 2009 early Spring 2010 Fall 2007-Summer 2009 Summer/Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Spring 2010 Team report and university response reviewed by HLC panel. Final decision by HLC. Periodic reporting to HLC might be stipulated. Summer 2010
Changes in Process/Study since 2000: Self-study criteria revised in Much greater emphasis on assessment of student learning, efforts toward institutional improvement, and determining the impact of the institution on the common good. Focus of self-study is evaluative, rather than descriptive.
The Self-Study’s 5 Criteria: Is the institution fulfilling its mission? Preparation for the Future Student Learning and Effective Teaching Acquisition, Discovery, Application of Knowledge Mission & Integrity Engagement & Service
Assessment of Student Learning What do you want students to learn? What did they learn and what evidence do you have that they learned it? Based on the evidence, what needs to be changed to improve learning and how are you going to achieve these changes?
Option to participate in HLC’s new Academy for Assessment of Student Learning. Option to frame self-study around a special emphasis. Self-study may be aligned with institutional planning. Changes in Process/Study since 2000:
What hasn’t changed since 1999/2000 review? It is a HUGE amount of work. Must involve broad spectrum of campus constituencies. Process requires strong presidential and board support and involvement. Purdue will have the same HLC liaison – Dr. Robert Appleson
Purdue’s 1999/2000 Self-Study Team Steering Committee – 12 people 5 Study Committees – people each (1 for each of the 5 criteria) Information/Data contacts – 38 people
Site Visit November 14 – 17, person team Met with 400 people in 40 settings, including President and Board
Results from 1999/2000 Review Re-accredited for 10 years Provision – conduct site visit of GISMA in Hanover, Germany (completed November 2001) /
Advice from HLC in 1999/2000 Initiate a strategic planning process as the new President assumes the helm. Make the budgetary process increasingly transparent through sharing info about and seeking comment on sources of funds and funding priorities and allocations. Prepare to launch a major development campaign with a goal no less lofty of other major public institutions. Process should be driven by academic priorities and guided centrally.
Advice from HLC continued…. Continue commitment to sustained investment in research infrastructure. Grow commercialization technology efforts. Centralize management of information technology – hire a world-class CIO. Increase tuition/fees to support academic programming.
Preparing for 2009/2010 Review HLC advice heeded – and then some! Fall 2007: appoint leadership team and develop plan for self-study. Fall 2007: determine theme special emphasis for self-study.
The self-study emphasis: In-depth attention to a select group of issues critical to the institution’s pursuit of continuous improvement and educational excellence, especially as they pertain to the achievement of its mission and vision. Ideal if emphasis fits within strategic plans/goals. Must have prior HLC approval.
Advantages of a self-study emphasis: Tailors self-study to institutional needs and priorities. Increases campus interest in self-study. Report is focused and more interesting to the review team. Allows greater flexibility in selection of site review team.
Self-study emphasis examples: Indiana University: globalization Iowa State: undergraduate education Michigan State: internationalization Nebraska: strategic planning Central Michigan: seeking national prominence University of Chicago: research infrastructure Ohio State: graduate and professional education University of California Riverside: improving undergraduate student engagement; the first year experience; learning outcomes
Preparing for 2009/2010 continued… Develop campus plan for assessment of student learning activities. Join HLC Assessment Academy. Learn from Purdue faculty serving as HLC peer reviewers. Learn from recent reviews of Big 10/peer institutions. Inform and engage campus in review activities.
Summary To be ready in 2009/2010, we need your help and support with: – learning assessment activities – leadership for self-study working groups – ideas for self-study emphasis (1) faculty development (2) student access and success