A Personal Code of Values and Academic Integrity David Bozak Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences SUNY Oswego Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006
National Survey of Student Engagement Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006
National Survey of Student Engagement Question 11.n: GNETHICS To what extent has your experience at this institution contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas? Developing a personal code of values and ethics Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006
National Survey of Student Engagement Question 11.n: GNETHICS Four point Likert Scale 4 - Very much 3 - Quite a bit 2 - Some 1 - Very little Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006
OswegoMastersNSSE First Year *2.61** Senior Year ***2.72*** 2004 NSSE Question 11.n: GNETHICS
Student Opinion Survey How often have you “observed student dishonesty when completing assignments or exams?” Five point Likert scale: very frequently frequently sometimes rarely never Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006
The survey contains (1)a single question regarding FY and SR scores, (2)a request for information regarding the perceived reasons for the scores, and (3)demographic information Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006
Survey Demographics Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006 New England 10%Southeast23% Great Lakes27%Southwest7% Mideast20%Far West7% Plains7%
Survey Demographics Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006 Public60%42% in NSSE Private40%58% in NSSE
Survey Demographics Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, ,000-2,49910% 2,500-4,99933% 5,000-9,99937% 10,000-19,99913% 20,000-29,9997%
Survey Demographics Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006 PublicPrivate Honor Code 33%17% No Honor Code 30%20%
First Year Scores Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006 Below Average NSDAbove Average PublicHonor20%3%10% PublicNo Honor 27% PrivateHonor17% PrivateNo Honor 3%17%
Senior Year Scores Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006 Below Average NSDAbove Average PublicHonor3%7% PublicNo Honor 20% PrivateHonor7% PrivateNo Honor 10%
Perceived Reasons for Scores Campus mission statement Student population –Faith-based HSs –Rural background with strong work ethic; first generation Strong honor code –Solid misconduct process Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006
Perceived Reasons for Scores Faith-based college with core curriculum that includes 9+ hours of coursework in ethics, philosophy, theology Develop leadership skills Service learning Living/learning communities Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006
Perceived Reasons for Scores Spirituality “The Spiritual Life of College Students,” Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006
2004 NSSE 11.p GNSPIRIT Developing a deepened sense of spirituality First Year NSSE Senior Year NSSE Academic Integrity Symposium, March 24, 2006