Asha Austin has supported the project since 2004 $42,408 in funds have been sent by Asha Austin to-date The main impact of the funding has been to provide opportunities for the girls to become independent through education The vision and goals of the project remain the same – to nurture and empower young girls to become independent through education
Funding Cycle Educational Budget Exchange Rate Budget US$ Disbursement by Asha No. of children Oct ,
Donations received YTD from SAC Donors $ 3, Donations received YTD from non-SAC Donors $ Carry-over from 2010 $ 3, Total Funds Raised $ 7, Funds reserved for $ Funds disbursed in 1 st half of 2011 $ 3, Funds available for disbursal $ 4,165.75
Prasanna Jyothi - A unit of Prasanna Trust IncomeActualsI Half - EstimateI Half - Actuals II Half - Estimate II Half - Revised EstimateTotalExpenses ActualsI Half - EstimateI Half - Actuals II Half - Estimate II Half - Revised EstimateTotal Rs (4+6) (11+13) Foreign Sources Asha Foundation Education Ms. Schapper Food MICO000000Salary Child Sponsorship Share of Head Office Expenses - Salary of one staff member Other Donations Repairs & Mainenance Electricity Health Care Sub - Total Transport Telephone Domestic Sources Printing & Stationary Annadhana Property Tax Jnandhana Child Sponsorship Legal Expenses Other Donations Sub-Total Sub-total Deficit Met / to be met from Corpus Surplus taken to Corpus Total Total NOTE - A Government Agency in May 2001, attempted to partly demolish the Prasanna Jyothi building on the ground that the construction had encroached upon the Government land. Immediately, we filed a writ petition (June 2001) against the Government Agency for preventiing them from demolishing (partly) the Prasanna Jyothi building. Our legal advisers, over the years, have successfully presented the case and won it for Prasanna Trust. After handling the case for 10 years, the legal advisers were paid in April 2011 a sum of Rs.2,10,000/- for the professional services rendered by them. The actual and projected expenses for include Rs.2,10,000/- paid to Legal Advisers.
PER CHILD In first half In second halfRs. Tuition Fee Computer Fee Text Books12000 Maintenance Fee 6000 Uniform (3 sets)15000 Note Books2500 Shoe / Socks Total per child Total - 17 children 141,950 51,000 Adhoc for Child 1 who will be going to College (11th Std) 10,0000 Adhoc for Child 2 who has to go to Special school 25,000 14, Total for the year 191,950 65,000 Increased by 49,627 Living expenses For 2 girls for 1 yr 24,00024,000
ParticularsNo.AmountTotalParticularsNo.AmountTotalDifference Rs. Tuiton Fee Tuiton Fee Computer Computer Text Books Text Books Main Fee Main Fee Note Books Note Books Uniform/shoe Uniform/shoe New child1 0Navya Child Child Child Child Miscellaneous Dance/Music Summer Camp Total Total
Original Budget For 2011 $ 6, Revised Budget for 2011 $ 6, Amount approved for 1st Disbursal $ 3, Amount for approval for 2nd Disbursal $ 3,350.00