A Model of Opinion Dynamics Among Firms Volker Barth, GELENA research group, Oldenburg University Potentials of Complexity Science for Business, Governments, and the Media Collegium Budapest,
Outline Motivation/Background Basic model: Opinion update based on external attribute Extended model: Opinion update based on multiple attributes Conclusions
Motivation Empirical case studies on learning of organisations with respect to sustainability (GELENA project) Imitation and copying (Consulting) Existence of networks Leader-follower dynamics within organisations “Change agents”, Time lags
Motivation Existing studies Binary opinions Continuous opinions Opinion exchange often based on thresholds (“bounded confidence” model) Source: Weisbuch et al., 2002
Basic Model (1): Agents 0+1 Full OppositionFull AgreementUndecided Personal attribute (authenticity, credibility): a i = 0.1, 0.2,…1.0, Poisson distributed Individual opinion (o i ): One meeting per time step Update opinion during meeting: o B (t+1) = o B (t) + (o A (t) - o B (t)) a A , for a A > a B
Agents localised on lattice (torus) Social connections, no (direct) spatial meaning Limited environments (vonNeumann, Moore) Meet only agents within environment Basic Model (2): Social Networks s
Agent Interaction: Sample Result 49 agents, 5000 meetings, Von Neumann, range: 2 Opinion range Local opinion leader
Agent Interaction: Network effect 49 agents, 5000 meetings, average over 30 runs
Basic Model: Summary Agent opinions fluctuate between visible opinion leaders Greater visibility smaller opinion range Local opinion leaders Eccentric, but unchanged opinions; little impact on mainstream Extend opinion range
Extended Model: Firm Interaction Companies Firm opinion (follows CEO opinion) Firm attribute: economic performance Agents now company executives Implicit: Firm opinion and performance connected Executives update opinion upon: 1.meetings with other executives 2.average firm opinion of better-performing firms: o i ’ = o i (t) + ( - o i (t) )
Firm Interaction: Sample Results 49 executives, 5000 meetings, von Neumann (s=1) = =
Firm Influence Parameter 49 executives, 5000 meetings, avg. over 30 runs
Firm Interaction: Sample Results 2 49 executives, 5000 meetings, von Neumann (s=1) = Local opinion leader
Extended Model: Summary Average firm opinion is attractor Convergence (“Consensus”) of mainstream depends on interaction speed Local opinion leaders still exist Small effects on mainstream in the short run (“fuzzy fringe”) Long-term attractor in the (very) long run “Global opinion leader”
Conclusions External attributes reflect actual opinion formation of humans Narrow consensus requires credible and widely known proponents otherwise localised opinions, wider range Orientation on uniform opinions leads to narrow consensus rules, values Fixed, unbalanced opinions can shift mainstreams in the long run Extremism
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Visibility of firms
Agent Interaction: Network effect 1 49 agents, 5000 meetings, average over 30 runs
Agent Interaction: Network effect 2 49 agents, 5000 meetings, average over 30 runs
Firm Influence Parameter 49 executives, 5000 meetings, avg. over 30 runs