1 HUMAN RESOURCES FOR HEALTH: Challenges and Strategies for Africa and Links with Global Developments Eric Buch UNSW Feb 06
2 Africa Knows there is a crisis and the basic causes Long a priority for African Ministers’ of Health Been key to taking HR to international agenda 2004 WHA resolution on migration 2006 Heads of State Summits Decisions Durban 2002, Abuja 2005 Emerging efforts by countries and partners
3 African challenges Includes : Challenges in training, deployment, motivation and retention, severe urban-rural imbalances, poor incentives, difficult work conditions and lack of technical competence. Health systems dysfunction undermines performance and morale
4 Challenge to implement HoS decisions Determine the categories that will provide an appropriate human resource mix Prepare inter-ministerial costed HR development & deployment plans, packages Forward fund growth of training capacity Build cadre of multi-purpose trained clinic staff
5 Policy challenges Choice of health worker mix Clear position on migration Convince Ministers of Finance Flexibility in Conditions of Service Incentives that work Policy frame for successful CHWs Changing donor architecture Mobilise GHI funds for HR Active Ministers’ leadership
6 Implementation challenges Implement our plans, harmonise donors Curricula for auxiliaries Modernise training institutions Grow African capacity Effective district and service managers Support and supervision of CHW, auxiliaries More than descriptive observatories Share experience Functional districts as drivers Build with health systems
7 Global Developments Joint Learning Initiative High Level Forum on Health MDGs Abuja, Oslo and Brazzaville platform Global Health Workforce Alliance & Regional World Health Report and Day World Bank Programme Donor interest Technical Framework Country focus