Portable Gadgets By: Avinash Changavi
What are Portable Gadgets? jpg pad-images/ep101-eee-pad.jpg ell-alienware-m14x_1.gif
I’ve used them for both fun and work. I’m utterly fascinated by the very thought that in modern times, we can use these gadgets to enjoy so much in life, while accomplishing a great deal from a productivity standpoint.
So, Now we move on to the everlasting debate of the UTILIZATION of these gadgets. People everywhere are arguing whether they are helpful to society, and its people, or if they are a hindrance, or burden.
MY STAND IS SIMPLE! Like anything, portable gadgets also have their negative sides. But these are only influenced by the person using the technology. It all depends on the control and responsibility of the person, but that’s a whole different topic!
The Negative effects, Can be usually be brought by misuse. One typical case is absorption, or “getting too much into it.” The result is addiction which can affect the mind, making it difficult to stop using the gadgets. The effect of this is quite extreme, like here in this example.
Another example is Distraction. While many people don’t view this as a big problem, it can affect quality of work produced, or even weaken relationships between friends and family. In some severe cases, it can even get the user injured, like in a car crash. content/uploads/2011/05/distracted-driving-los-angeles-300x183.jpg
Taking despicable advantage Is also an issue. This comes in one particular form, cyber bullying. It is a form of harassment which can take forms over texting, or internet in particular. If not helped, this can lead to cases like depression, and anxiety. It may even lead to suicide in moderately rare cases.
To sum it up, Technology like portable gadgets have their negative aspects which can be huge, but it largely depends on the user itself. Cyberbullying, distraction, and addiction is just a reflection of the user’s responsibility.
Portable Gadgets have Revolutionized the way we communicate completely. We are now closer than ever before box_308x364-7k.gif
Saving lives Has even become an major plus! Cardiff University has developed an app called iSam for the iphone, which can aid rescue workers in dire times, when communication is interrupted.. This includes natural disasters and terrorist attacks. Users first log in to the app, then use it to check their surroundings. Users can even access pictures that other people take with their iphones.
Businesses Can even use portable gadgets to access data online, and communicate. With the newest Wi-Fi and mobile broadband technology, it is easier than ever. laptop-starbucks.jpg ,2/stock-photo-handsome-young-man-in-a-suit-looking-at- his-smartphone jpg
Lets not forget the small things That make up our everyday life. This includes plane tickets, buying items, finding out bank statements, etc. Portable gadgets can find out all of this information plus more, in a simple click or touch thanks to faster internet speeds and powerful devices!
Endless entertainment Now lies at our fingertips. With the ability to carry and watch movies and music, we can enjoy ourselves as well as be productive. Youtube, shazam, pandora and many other media sites have made it possible to stream videos and music to almost any device, ushering in a new age of entertainment attainment. I think of this more as a gimmick, but its extremely convenient for a lot of people, even me!
Remember That everything in life has it’s advantages and disadvantages. It’s how they are used which counts. If used properly, Portable gadgets can make life extremely easy and productive at the same time. Not to mention fun. Now go out and immerse yourself in the world of technology.