UC Berkeley CS169, November 1, 2007 Software Development in an Academic Environment: Lessons learned and not learned Christopher Brooks CHESS Executive Director With material from: Edward A. Lee H. John Reekie
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment2 Intros Who is graduating this semester? –Going to industry? –Going to academia? –Don’t know? –Don’t care? Who is graduating in 2008? –Going to industry? –Going to academia? –Don’t know? –Don’t care? Languages –Java? –C#
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment3 Christopher Brooks I’m a release engineer, training electrical engineers in the art of software engineering. I’ve worked with Professor Edward A. Lee since 1992, first on Ptolemy Classic (C++) and now on Ptolemy II (Java). I took CS 169 with Prof Brewer in mid- 90’s, before the.com era
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment4 Software Engineering at Berkeley No Formal Program: Part of CS Survey of CS Baccalaureate grads: : 196 respond of 409 grads Of the 196: –127 (65%) employed –39 (20%) in grad school –18 (9%) seeking employment –12 (6%) Other Endeavors 97 Employer/Titles listed 30 “Software Engineers” 59 Titles contain the word “Engineer” Source:
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment5
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment6 Lower Division Computer Science Prerequisites CS 61A (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs), 61B (Data Structures), 61C (Machine Structures) Math 1A and Math 1B (can be satisfied with Advanced Placement), Math 54 (Linear Algebra and Differential Equations) CS 70 (Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory) EECS 42 (Electronics). (We highly recommend taking EECS 43, a one-unit laboratory course taken P/NP, during the same semester as EECS 42.) Source:
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment7 Required Courses for Satisfaction of the CS Major L&S CS majors must earn 27 units in upper division technical courses, including: Required Course: CS 170 (Algorithms) Breadth courses choose two from the following: –CS 160. User InterfacesCS 160. User Interfaces –CS 161. Computer SecurityCS 161. Computer Security –CS 162. Operating Systems and System ProgrammingCS 162. Operating Systems and System Programming –CS 164. Programming Languages and CompilersCS 164. Programming Languages and Compilers –CS 169. Software EngineeringCS 169. Software Engineering –CS 184. Foundations of Computer GraphicsCS 184. Foundations of Computer Graphics –CS 186. Introduction to DatabasesCS 186. Introduction to Databases Any two additional Computer Science courses. Technical electives. –Including Undergraduate Business Administration UGBA 103 Introduction to Finance (Prereq: UGBA 101A)Introduction to Finance UGBA 119 Strategic Planning (101A-101B, 102A-102B, 103, 105, and senior standing. )Strategic Planning UGBA 140 Introduction to Management Science ??Introduction to Management Science UGBA 146 Planning and Design of E-Business Sys (Prereg: CS3)Planning and Design of E-Business Sys UGBA 152 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (Prereg: UGBA 105)Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment8 Software Engineering Not much coding –Mostly bug fixing More management as time goes on –Team Dynamics and Virtual Teams –Project Management
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment9 Classes I wish I had taken Group Dynamics Classes –How do teams operate Intellectual Property - Patents - Copyrights Project Management
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment10 PMI: Project Management Institute “A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge “ (aka PMBOK)A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge PMI Certification –Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)Certified Associate in Project Management –Project Management Professional (PMP)Project Management Professional –Program Management Professional (PgMP)Program Management Professional
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment11 Ptolemy II: Ptolemy II: Set of Java packages supporting –heterogeneous, –concurrent modeling, –simulation, and –design of component-based systems. The kernel: definition and manipulation of clustered hierarchical graphs, which are collections of entities and relations between those entities. The actor package extends the kernel so that entities have functionality and can communicate via the relations. The domains extend the actor package by imposing models of computation on the interaction between entities.
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment12 Ptolemy II: Our Laboratory for Experiments with Models of Computation Director from a library defines component interaction semantics Large, behaviorally- polymorphic component library. Visual editor supporting an abstract syntax Type system for transported data Concurrency management supporting dynamic model structure. Source: Edward A. Lee
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment13 Ptolemy II: Functionality of Components is Given in C or Java (which can wrap C, C++, Perl, Python, MATLAB, Web services, Grid services, …) Source: Edward A. Lee
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment14 Example: Discrete Event Models DE Director implements timed semantics using an event queue Event source Time line Reactive actors Signal Components send time- stamped events to other components, and components react in chronological order. Source: Edward A. Lee
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment15 Production vs. Research Source:
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment16 Extreme Programming
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment17 Nightly Build Build and test the system regularly –Every night Why? Because it is easier to fix problems earlier than later –Easier to find the cause after one change than after 1,000 changes –Avoids new code from building on the buggy code Aiken: Test is usually subset of full regression test –“smoke test” –Just make sure there is nothing horribly wrong Keutzer: I disagree with this point. Typical case should be to run entire regression test Jim McCarthy (Director of MSVC++ Group): “If you build it, it will ship” Build a release every night, run tests – makes integration easier. Aiken
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment18 Ptolemy II Nightly Build –Ptolemy II has ~6700 tests for ~2100 Java files contain 675,000 lines of code.
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment19 Code Coverage The fireOneRound() method is not covered
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment20 Coding Style Features Code should have a consistent style –Decided by one person (Professor, CTO) –Enforced by a tool Document using complete sentences with good grammar –Be nice to yourself and others that use your code. Identifiers use complete words (CamelCase) –This aids in readability and accessibility – the developer knows that the variable or method is numberOfEspressos, not numEsp or n.
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment21 Testing Documentation: doccheck Doccheck is a javadoc plug-in from Sun that points out common problems.
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment22 Regression Tests: Test Plan Strategy: A good strategy would be? Goals: –Ensure basic functionality according to the Design Spec. –Ensure that the functionality does not regress (i.e. previously fixed bugs do not reappear or cause new bugs). –Focus on stress, capacity, and boundary conditions. Scope: Regression testing targets commands or program functions. –All commands and / or programs functions should be covered by regression tests. –List the commands and / or program functions which will be tested.
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment23 Design and Code Reviews Objective is “publishable software” Defined roles for participants –Author has the last word Mechanism for new group members to learn to differentiate good from bad software. All technical reviews are based on the idea that developers are blind to some of the trouble spots in their work... -Steve McConnell John Reekie and the Ptolemy team
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment24 Code Rating A simple framework for – quality improvement by peer review – change control by improved visibility Four confidence levels – Red. No confidence at all. – Yellow. Passed design review. Soundness of the APIs. – Green. Passed code review. Quality of implementation. – Blue. Passed final review. Backwards-compatibility assurance. What is this about really? – Confidence in quality – Commitment to stability Source: John Reekie
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment25 Orca and testing Orca “ an open-source framework for developing component-based robotic systems “ ( robotics.sourceforge.net/) robotics.sourceforge.net/ Orca uses CMake ( to configure the systemhttp:// Orca uses the Dart2 Dashboard to show nightly build output ashboard/ ashboard/ Orca uses CTest, part of CMake for testing. ting:write:tests ting:write:tests
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment26 Orca Dashboard
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment27 Orca Dashboard Coverage
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment28 Orca Dashboard Coverage Detail
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment29 Orca Dashboard Coverage Detail
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment30 Lessons not learned: Process Problems Review process decayed No read-ahead –This is a walkthrough, not a review No follow up
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment31 Automatic Tools Static code checkers –gcc –Coverity – not Free –Java tools like FindBugs and PMD Memory checkers –Electric Fence (for C) –Purify – not Free
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment32 Software Tools JUnit (xUnit) Eclipse Maven CMake/CTest Ant – be fully buzzword compliant, but know how to use make.
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment33 Lessons not Learned: Threads
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment34 The Problem with Threads Edward A. Lee: IEEE Computer, May 2006 article “For concurrent programming to become mainstream,... we must discard threads as a programming model”. “Nondeterminism should be judiciously and carefully introduced when needed,... and it should be explicit in programs.”
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment35 To See That Current Practice is Bad, Consider a Simple Example “The Observer pattern defines a one-to- many dependency between a subject object and any number of observer objects so that when the subject object changes state, all its observer objects are notified and updated automatically.” Design Patterns, Eric Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides (Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., ISBN: ):
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment36 Observer Pattern Source: Wikipedia
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment37 Observer Pattern in Java public void addListener(listener) {…} public void setValue(newValue) { myValue = newValue; for (int i = 0; i < myListeners.length; i++) { myListeners[i].valueChanged(newValue) } Thanks to Mark S. Miller for the details of this example. Will this work in a multithreaded context?
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment38 Observer Pattern With Mutual Exclusion (Mutexes) public synchronized void addListener(listener) {…} public synchronized void setValue(newValue) { myValue = newValue; for (int i = 0; i < myListeners.length; i++) { myListeners[i].valueChanged(newValue) } Javasoft recommends against this. What’s wrong with it? See also Allen Holub’s Java World Article “The Observer pattern and mysteries of the AWTEventMulticaster”
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment39 Mutexes are Minefields public synchronized void addListener(listener) {…} public synchronized void setValue(newValue) { myValue = newValue; for (int i = 0; i < myListeners.length; i++) { myListeners[i].valueChanged(newValue) } valueChanged() may attempt to acquire a lock on some other object and stall. If the holder of that lock calls addListener(), deadlock!
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment40 After years of use without problems, a Ptolemy Project code review found code that was not thread safe. It was fixed in this way. Three days later, a user in Germany reported a deadlock that had not shown up in the test suite.
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment41 Simple Observer Pattern Becomes Not So Simple public synchronized void addListener(listener) {…} public void setValue(newValue) { synchronized(this) { myValue = newValue; listeners = myListeners.clone(); } for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { listeners[i].valueChanged(newValue) } while holding lock, make copy of listeners to avoid race conditions notify each listener outside of synchronized block to avoid deadlock This still isn’t right. What’s wrong with it?
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment42 Simple Observer Pattern: How to Make It Right? public synchronized void addListener(listener) {…} public void setValue(newValue) { synchronized(this) { myValue = newValue; listeners = myListeners.clone(); } for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { listeners[i].valueChanged(newValue) } Suppose two threads call setValue(). One of them will set the value last, leaving that value in the object, but listeners may be notified in the opposite order. The listeners may be alerted to the value changes in the wrong order!
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment43 If the simplest design patterns yield such problems, what about non-trivial designs? /** CrossRefList is a list that maintains pointers to other CrossRefLists. Geroncio Galicia, Contributor: Edward A. $Id: CrossRefList.java,v /04/29 14:50:00 eal Exp Ptolemy II Green Green (bart) */ public final class CrossRefList implements Serializable { … protected class CrossRef implements Serializable{ … // NOTE: It is essential that this method not be // synchronized, since it is called by _farContainer(), // which is. Having it synchronized can lead to // deadlock. Fortunately, it is an atomic action, // so it need not be synchronized. private Object _nearContainer() { return _container; } private synchronized Object _farContainer() { if (_far != null) return _far._nearContainer(); else return null; } … } Code that had been in use for four years, central to Ptolemy II, with an extensive test suite with 100% code coverage, design reviewed to yellow, then code reviewed to green in 2000, causes a deadlock during a demo on April 26, 2004.
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment44 Edward Lee’s Claim Nontrivial concurrent software written with threads is incomprehensible to humans and cannot be trusted! Maybe better abstractions would lead to better practice…
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment45 Succinct Problem Statement Threads are wildly nondeterministic. The programmer’s job is to prune away the nondeterminism by imposing constraints on execution order (e.g., mutexes) and limiting shared data accesses (e.g., OO design).
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment46 Perhaps Concurrency is Just Hard… Sutter and Larus observe: “humans are quickly overwhelmed by concurrency and find it much more difficult to reason about concurrent than sequential code. Even careful people miss possible interleavings among even simple collections of partially ordered operations.” H. Sutter and J. Larus. Software and the concurrency revolution. ACM Queue, 3(7), 2005.
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment47 If concurrency were intrinsically hard, we would not function well in the physical world It is not concurrency that is hard…
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment48 …It is Threads that are Hard! Threads are sequential processes that share memory. From the perspective of any thread, the entire state of the universe can change between any two atomic actions (itself an ill-defined concept). Imagine if the physical world did that…
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment49 Yet threads are the basis for all widely used concurrency models, as well as the basis for I/O interactions and network interactions in modern computers.
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment50 Succinct Solution Statement Instead of starting with a wildly nondeterministic mechanism and asking the programmer to rein in that nondeterminism, start with a deterministic mechanism and incrementally add nondeterminism where needed. The question is how to do this and still get concurrency.
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment51 Actor-Oriented Design The alternative: “Actor oriented:” actor name data (state) ports Input data parameters Output data What flows through an object is evolving data class name data methods call return What flows through an object is sequential control The established: Object-oriented: Things happen to objects Actors make things happen
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment52 The First (?) Actor-Oriented Programming Language The On-Line Graphical Specification of Computer Procedures W. R. Sutherland, Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, 1966 MIT Lincoln Labs TX-2 Computer Bert Sutherland with a light pen Partially constructed actor-oriented model with a class definition (top) and instance (below). Bert Sutherland used the first acknowledged object- oriented framework (Sketchpad, created by his brother, Ivan Sutherland) to create the first actor- oriented programming language (which had a visual syntax).
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment53 Examples of Actor-Oriented Coordination Languages CORBA event service (distributed push-pull) ROOM and UML-2 (dataflow, Rational, IBM) VHDL, Verilog (discrete events, Cadence, Synopsys,...) LabVIEW (structured dataflow, National Instruments) Modelica (continuous-time, constraint-based, Linkoping) OPNET (discrete events, Opnet Technologies) SDL (process networks) Occam (rendezvous) Ptolemy (various, Berkeley) Simulink (Continuous-time, The MathWorks) SPW (synchronous dataflow, Cadence, CoWare) … Many of these are domain specific. Many of these have visual syntaxes. The semantics of these differ considerably, but all can be modeled as with appropriate choices of the set T.
Nov 1, 2008 UCB CS169Software Development in an Academic Environment54 11 Steps to successfully completing a software project 1. Create a one page charter 2. Separation of concerns: MVC: gui vs backend 3. Start writing tests early, use a code coverage tool 4. Use a nightly build 5. Use a consistent coding style and use a tool to enforce the style 6. Use tools: memory leaks, warnings, spelling errors, performance problems, other compilers, other operating systems. 7. Document your code. Writing documentation first can prevent hours of wasted time. 8. Don’t debug for more than an hour by yourself – get help. 9. Design Review and Code Review (or at least desk check) 10. Expect the unexpected: wacky user input, wacky user interaction 11. Don’t be afraid to throw away code and start over.