Introduction to AI & AI Principles (Semester 1) WEEK 8 – Wednesday: answer to Exercise 3(b) Introduction to AI & AI Principles (Semester 1) WEEK 8 (2008/09)– Wednesday: answer to Exercise 3(b) John Barnden Professor of Artificial Intelligence School of Computer Science University of Birmingham, UK
Notes uCould replace M in diagram on next slide by mobfone-of(Ego). uRule 3 in the exercise should have used lying-on rather than just on.
Dependency Diagram shld-urgly-call(Ego, emerg-servs) has(Ego,M) next-to(Ego, V) unconscious(V) is-person(V) lying-on(V,ground) responsive(V) asleep(V) well-dressed(V) is-mobfone(M) R1 (p:V) R3 (z:V) R2 (q:V) R4 (x:Ego, y:emerg-servs, z:M) shld-call(Ego, M, emerg-servs)