Work Based Learning Business Processes
Unit Leader Chrissy Ogilvie
Work Based Learning MMU Business SchoolStudent Workplace Work Based Learning is well established at MMU Business School and students can take it in every year of their degree.
Learn while you earn Part time employment is an economic necessity for students and it a hugely valuable alternative to classroom learning.
Student employment Offices Restaurants Hotels Leisure Bars Enterprise Retail Call centres Student part time employment is very varied but it all offers opportunities to learn about business and management.
What will you study? Mission, values, CSR Stakeholders Communication channels Quality management Waste management Health, safety & wellbeing Customer care Students study these topics in theory and then apply them to their own workplace.
Work requirement 100 hours One job or several Regular or block Paid or unpaid Employed or self employed To take this unit, students need to be working in an organisation, large or small. Work can be voluntary as well as paid.
Flexible On-line Delivery Moodle On-line tutorials Podcasts Weblinks Digitised reading Forums This course is delivered on-line through Moodle, our Virtual Learning Environment rather than the traditional classroom.
Learn anywhere, anytime x You can access tutorials and study anywhere, any time. You can work at your own pace and re-visit topics.
Tutor support Workshops Phone Moodle Drop-in tutorials Skype You will have a tutor to support you in your studies but you will need to be able to work independently.
CMI Certificate in Management and Leadership www. You can take this professional qualification to add to your CV. If you pay the CMI entry fee you can gain a professional management qualification without any extra work.
Assessment (Work based) PresentationReport There are no exams for this unit. Assignments are based on your workplace.
Key benefits of WBL Learning in the workplace Flexibility of delivery Seeing theory into practice Taken more seriously at work Improves employment prospects More job satisfaction Independent learning
Questions? Contact Chrissy Ogilvie