CMNS 230 tutorial Assignment 2 preview David Newman October 30, 2006
Assignment 2 Due November 20 in tutorial Outline is on the website Should identify the policy area/issue you will use this week Look at resources section of CMNS 230 website if you need some ideas Publications section of Heritage Canada website may also provide some ideas Talk to me if you are uncertain
Assignment 2 Identify for a sector of the cultural industries a policy issue or problem that requires some sort of government policy intervention or coordinated response from industry in the form of self-regulation Examples: –any one of a number of issues in the copyright area –Increasing the level of local content on radio, television or in the cinema –Enhancing the quality of local production –Increasing export earnings for cultural industries –Attracting Canadian superstars back to work in the Canadian cultural industries
Assignment 2 Outline the issue and then develop a number of policy options for the government (should be a minimum of three options) You need to make it explicit in the Policy Problem statement who you are advising: Canadian municipal, provincial or federal government, or a foreign government (make sure you have the appropriate jurisdiction)
Assignment 2 Give the background to the problem Outline the issues and implications Provide a profile of the major stakeholder interests and positions (very similar to what is required in the CMNS261 assignment; be aware that there is a lot of complexity in the copyright area)
Assignment 2 Relevant experience in other regimes (anotherwords, how have other provinces or countries dealt with issue, are there things that can be learned from the experience of others?)
Assignment 2 Policy Options –Provide at least 3 –Provide a discussion of the pro’s and con’s of each option (make sure you include this otherwise you will lose valuable marks) –This will probably be the most heavily weighted section of the whole assignment
Assignment 2 Recommended Option and Reasons –The reasoning for selecting this option is very important. Should include expected positive impact
Assignment 2 Grading matrix should be available on the class website during the week before it is due. Draft weighting: –Description of Policy Problem - 1 –Background to issue - 1 –Discussion of issues and implications - 3 –Profile of stakeholder interests and positions - 3 –Relevant experience in other regimes - 3 –Policy options - 5 –Recommended option and reasons - 2 – Style (grammar, writing style, proofreading) - 2
Assignment 2 Provide a heading for each section Start the research early, particularly in looking at the experience of other regimes Remember that you are advising a particular government body -- be practical and realistic Read the Assignment requirements carefully Use the checklist on the 2nd page