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Presentation transcript:

HCl, j(  =1) agust,www,...Sept10/PPT ak.ppt agust,heima,....Sept10/XLS ak.xls agust,heima,....Sept10/PXP ak.pxp agust,heima,...Sept10/Look for J pxp agust,heima,....Sept10/PXP ak.pxp agust,heima,....juni09/grof fyrir J astond hrh.xls

agust,heima,....Sept10/PXP ak.pxp; Lay:0, Gr:2 j(  =1; S) Green  E(J´,J´-1) J´

S agust,heima,...Sept10/Look for J pxp 2? 345 AK assignment H35Cl+ 35Cl+ H+ S j(  =1; S)Green / j(  =1; S)AK NB: 35Cl+/H35Cl+ is very high according to Q line according to KM; see slide 6 below NB: actually This could be J´=2 (35Cl+)

agust,heima,....Sept10/PXP ak.pxp; Lay:1, Gr:1 S j(  =1; P,Q,R,S) Green

Probably not correct since this point should be larger due to Interaction with V, v´=20; see slide 3 above Fits nicely with the R serie data i.e.  points agust,heima,....Sept10/PXP ak.pxp; Lay:1, Gr:1 &...XLS ak.xls S, AK

KM´s paper manuscript (TS(II) paper, version , fig. 2a

 E(J´,J´-1) J´ agust,heima,....Sept10/PXP ak.pxp; Lay:2, Gr:3 &.. j(  =1; Q) Green a = ± 3.02 b = ± Green E(J´) Q J´ agust,heima,....Sept10/XLS ak.xls

 E(J´,J´-1) J´ agust,heima,....Sept10/PXP ak.pxp; Lay:3, Gr:4 &.. V(  =1; Q), v´=20; Green a = ± 1.84 b = ± agust,heima,....juni09/grof fyrir J astond hrh.xls Energy level J' Orkumun ur á þrepum agust,heima,....juni09/grof fyrir J astond hrh.xls

For 1 = Rydberg state and 2 0 ion-pair state Here Calculated both for j and V,v´=20 states

E 1 (J´) E 1 0 (J´) (E10(J´) +E20(J´))/2 E 2 0 (J´) (E 2 (J´) agust,heima,....Sept10/aHCl(3+1)j3S(0)Calc ak.pxp, Lay: 8, Gr:12 J´(V, v´=21) J´(j, v´=0) ) W12 derived E 1 0 (J´)E 1 (J´) andE 2 0 (J´) needed:

Different ways to evaluted W12 (W12´) from E0(J´), E(J´) and EV(J´) via  (J´) (= E(J´)-E0(J´)), see: agust,heima,...Jan11/XLS ak.xls The above calculation for E0 evaluations is based on E(J´=7) = E0(J´=7) j(1)V, v´=20 H35Cl j(1) V,v´=20W12W12´ J´E(J´)=nju(Q)+E(J´´)EV(J´)=nju(Q)+E(J´´)commentDE0DEE0D(E-E0)EV lower lower higher higher higher higher#NUM!