Irony Situational Irony: The opposite of what one expects occurs. Dramatic Irony: The reader knows more than the characters. This creates tension for the reader/audience. What seems insignificant to the character, the audience or reader knows is highly significant (Greek Tragedy)
Bio of O.Henry Famous and prolific American writer short stories and 10 collections. Stories known for ironic twists; became formulaic. Father was a physician. Mother died when he was 3. He dropped out of school at 15. He moved to Texas and began working as a bank teller. He started a weekly magazine called The Rolling Stone.
He became a newspaper reporter and was convicted of embezzling. Sydney was sent to prison. When he was released he changed his name to O. Henry. He kept writing, but O. Henry was plagued by alcoholism and died of sclerosis of the liver.
“____, the phoenix that arose from ___ashes—ashes left by the flame of a sudden and alternative attack of love, remained in Elmore and prospered.” Who am I?
“A Retrieved Reformation” Review Questions: 1.Find and explain the Biblical allusion in the story. 2.What do you think Jimmy’s suitcase symbolizes? Explain 3.Explain the dramatic irony in the line, “My! Ralph, how heavy it is. Feels like it was full of gold bricks.”
4.Why do you think Jimmy asks Annabel for the rose? 5.Explain the significance of the line, “With that act Ralph D. Spencer passed away and Jimmy Valentine took his place.” 6.When Annabel calls after Ralph in the bank, it’s described as “a far away voice he once knew”. Why? Why doesn’t he hesitate? 7.Explain how Ben Price behaves at the end of the story. Why did he do this?
8.What does the reformation mean? Who retrieves Jimmy’s reformation? 9.How does O.Henry use names in the story to characterize? Sound familiar? 10.What is O.Henry suggesting about a man’s ability to reform? What inspires Jimmy’s reformation? What doesn’t work? 11. Knowing O.Henry’s history, why is this theme significant? 12. Explain the irony of Jimmy’s heroic act. (Antihero) But, what is the real twist?