W HAT I S G OLD ? Since the time of aboriginal man, Gold has been one of the a lot of highly-valued metals in the apple not alone because of its use for ornamentation, but because it is as well the a lot of adaptable metal in the apple and has abounding applications. While some may anticipate of Gold as the agleam chicken metal acclimated for authoritative jewelry, for centuries Gold has been the a lot of approved afterwards adored metal in the apple because of its primary use as a bill in trading. It was adopted by traders over all added metals because it was calmly transported by agency of Gold bill and was not calmly affected to destruction. Yet over centuries, the U.S. and added countries accelerating into application cardboard currencies in the "GOLD STANDARD" that enabled their cardboard money to be backed by Gold captivated in depositories for trust. So adverse to accepted belief, cardboard money is not wealth, it is alone a promissory agenda to pay a debt...only Gold is absolute wealth, GLOBAL WEALTH.
A HEDGE - G OLD : THE PERFECT HEDGE AGAINST INFLATION Time and afresh history has again apparent that no government has anytime been able to accept its cardboard money achieve its aboriginal purchasing ability or break afloat economically if its bill is not backed by a adored metal such as Gold or Silver. Today there is no acumen to accept this time will be any altered in America. For these affidavit alone, we at GGG accept the time is accomplished for boilerplate Americans to aegis their abundance or retirement funds by now converting and advance in Gold-- and not cardboard afore it's too backward and our Dollars not be account the cardboard they're printed on! With the U.S. arrears annually accretion in the trillions of dollars, abundant barter disparities, and the U.S.
PRESERVATION - I N G OLD WE TRUST... NOT DOLLARS While 20 dollar bills and 20 dollar Gold bill captivated the aforementioned amount aback in 1920 and both enabled a man to acquirement a cast new suit, times accept afflicted today. Nowadays, as aftereffect of our country's aggrandizement and the abatement in the amount of our currency, that aforementioned 20 dollar bill would not buy a new clothing let abandoned a new tie. Yet that aforementioned 20 dollar Gold bread from 1920 today is account added than $1000 and aggressive in value. Considering this one archetype alone, there is no agnosticism for us at GGG that Gold is the alone trusted asset for our audience to advance in.
A SAFETY NET - D ECLINE OF THE U.S. D OLLAR : A S AD R EALITY Since 1950, the U.S. dollar has absent added than 90 percent of its purchasing ability and it is currently crumbling at a amount of 11 percent a year. With aggrandizement in the U.S. at addition 11 percent (including aliment and gas), our purchasing ability in absoluteness is falling at 22 percent per year. Sadly the axial cyber banking arrangement is affairs off its dollars and more affairs gold. This trend abandoned should set off anxiety accretion for boilerplate Americans to as well about-face their abundance into the alone reliable all-around currency...GOLD. If the U.S. government is purchasing Gold backed bill during these difficult times, shouldn't you as well be Gold Buying?
S O, WHY ISN ' T THE U.S. D OLLAR BACKED BY G OLD LIKE OTHER CURRENCIES ? Before 1971, the U.S. was beneath the "Gold Standard" if anniversary of our cardboard Dollars were backed by Gold and Silver. During that time the government was bound to how abundant cardboard bill it could book because the U.S. could alone book cardboard Dollars according to the bulk of Gold begin in the nation's Gold reserves. Essentially one could technically redeem their Dollars for Gold. However, in 1971, U.S. President Richard Nixon took the U.S. Dollar off the Gold Standard-- essentially bottomward the amount of the Dollar back it was abstinent by the accumulation and appeal for money and the accumulation and appeal for added appurtenances and casework in the economy. During the endure 30 additional years back Nixon took the U.S. off the Gold Standard, the Dollar has connected to collapse in amount anniversary year and its pre purchasing ability has yet to be apparent again.
C ONTACT U S gold investmentgold investment this site give the information all currency, Gold, Gold Investment Address: 468 North Camden Dr. Beverly Hills, CA Phone-(888) Fax -(818) Our Website: