Rate Enhancement
Communication Rates Conversational speaking rates: 150 wpm wpm AAC rates: 15 wpm
Encoding Any technique in which the user gives multiple signals that together specify a desired message (Vanderheiden & Lloyd, 1986). Use of code allows the individual to indicate a small number of items that corresponds to larger vocabulary.
Reasons to use Encoding Quick retrieval Space availability Advantages of electronic encoding. –No need for familiarity with code –Automatic translation of code into a spoken or printed message greater independence in producing messages.
Need for Quick Retrieval Timing Enhancement –Require careful timing to be appropriate –“Please pick up my feet before you roll my wheelchair forward” Message Acceleration & Fatigue Reduction –Frequently Used/Lengthy message: Use of encoding or other strategies (core voc) for QR –100 words account for 60% communicated (Vanderheiden & Kelso, 1987)
Sample Message Encoding Strategies
Iconic Codes