Archaeological Survey and Excavation
Survey and Excavation Research Design Finding Archaeological Sites Excavation Types of Sites
Research Design Design and Formulation Background Research Research design Implementation Funding Research team members Permission Data Acquisition Field Research Conservation Initial Artifact processing Processing and Analysis Lab analysis Curation Interpretation Final Report
Finding Sites Accidentally Iceman-1991 Lascaux Archaeological Survey surface survey subsurface excavation stp auger bank cuts Remote Sensing Ground penetrating radar magnetic resistivity Aerial Photography mounds crop marks Satellite Imagery Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Accidental finding: Iceman-1991 Austrian/Italian Alps
Accidental: The Paleolithic Cave Paintings of Lascaux, France
Great Hall of Bulls Lascaux, France
Survey Surface Monitoring surface for artifacts, architecture Subsurface Shovel test pits-small tests into the ground Augering-using soil augers to test under ground Bank cuts-walking along river banks
Ground Penetrating Radar
Magnetic Resistivity
Aerial Photography Samarra' is a town on the east bank of the middle Tigris in Iraq, 125 km north of Baghdad, Between A.D. 836 and 892 it was the capital of the Abbasid Caliphs. Samarra’ expanded to an occupied area of 57 km², one of the largest cities of ancient times.
Vertical Excavation Digging limited areas for info on stratigraphy and dating “Test Trenching” Area Excavation Horizontal excavation “Block Areas” Underwater Tools Backhoes, Bulldozers Picks, shovels, trowels Dental picks, brushes Recording Stratigraphy Excavation
Vertical Excavation
Area Excavation
Underwater Archaeology
Types of Sites Habitation Sites Open campsites Villages Caves & Rockshelters Earthworks Mounds Forts Shell Middens Ceremonial Sites Architectural Sites Burials and Cemetaries Historic Sites