VGA Port Discussion D9.1
Raster Scan Displays Electron beam CRT
Raster Scan Characters 9 14
Character generator Shift register Video signal Row select T H E Character line 1 (40 words or 80 bytes) Character line 2 (40 words or 80 bytes) even addresses odd addresses
Attribute Byte BLIR G B Foreground Intensity bit 0 = normal intensity 1 = high intensity Blinking bit 0 = not blinking 1 = foreground blinking Background
Back porch Front porch Back porch
Horizontal Timing Pixel clock = 25 MHz Pixel time = 0.04 s Horizontal video = 640 pixels x 0.04 s = s Back porch, BP = 16 pixels x 0.04 s = 0.64 s Front porch, FP = 16 pixels x 0.04 s = 0.64 s Sync pulse, SP = 128 pixels x 0.04 s = s Horizontal Scan Lines = SP + BP + HV + FP = = 800 pixels x 0.04 s = 32 s 1/60 Hz = ms / 32 s = 521 horizontal scan lines per frame
Vertical Timing Pixel clock = 25 MHz Horizontal scan time = 32 s Vertical video = 480 pixels x 32 s = ms Back porch, BP = 29 pixels x 32 s = ms Front porch, FP = 10 pixels x 32 s = ms Sync pulse, SP = 2 pixels x 32 s = ms Horizontal Scan Lines = SP + BP + VV + FP = = 521 pixels x 32 s = ms 1/60 Hz = ms
entity vgaController is Port ( mclk, clr : in std_logic; hs : out std_logic; vs : out std_logic; red : out std_logic; grn : out std_logic; blu : out std_logic); end vgaController; VGA Controller
architecture Behavioral of vgaController is constant hpixels: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := " "; --Value of pixels in a horizontal line = 800 constant vlines: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := " "; --Number of horizontal lines in the display = 521 constant hbp: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := " "; --Horizontal back porch = 144 (128+16) constant hfp: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := " "; --Horizontal front porch = 784 ( ) constant vbp: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := " "; --Vertical back porch = 31 (2+29) constant vfp: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := " "; --Vertical front porch = 511 ( ) signal hc, vc: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); --These are the Horizontal and Vertical counters VGA Controller
signal clkdiv: std_logic;--Clock divider signal vidon: std_logic; --Tells whether or not its ok to display data signal vsenable: std_logic; --Enable for the Vertical counter begin --This cuts the 50Mhz clock in half process(mclk, clr) begin if clr = '1' then clkdiv <= '0'; elsif(mclk = '1' and mclk'EVENT) then clkdiv <= not clkdiv; end if; end process; VGA Controller
--Runs the horizontal counter process(clkdiv) begin if clr = '1' then hc <= " "; elsif(clkdiv = '1' and clkdiv'EVENT) then if hc = hpixels then --If the counter has reached the end of pixel count hc <= " "; --reset the counter vsenable <= '1'; --Enable the vertical counter to increment else hc <= hc + 1; --Increment the horizontal counter vsenable <= '0'; --Leave the vsenable off end if; end process; hs <= '0' when hc(9 downto 7) = "000" else '1'; --Horizontal Sync Pulse is low when hc is VGA Controller
--Runs the vertical counter process(clkdiv) begin if clr = '1' then vc <= " "; elsif(clkdiv = '1' and clkdiv'EVENT and vsenable = '1') then --Increment when enabled if vc = vlines then --Reset when the number of lines is reached vc <= " "; else vc <= vc + 1;--Increment the vertical counter end if; end process; vs <= '0' when vc(9 downto 1) = " " else '1'; --Vertical Sync Pulse is low when vc is 0 or 1 VGA Controller
red <= '1' when (hc = " " and vidon ='1') else '0'; --Red pixel on at a horizontal count = 684 = grn <= '1' when (hc = " " and vidon ='1') else '0'; --Green pixel on at a horizontal count = 260 = blu <= '1' when (vc = " " and vidon ='1') else '0'; --Blue pixel on at a vertical count = 289 = vidon hbp)) and ((vc vbp))) else '0'; --Enable video out when within the porches end Behavioral; VGA Controller