Together, our analyses answer a number of important questions: Which High Schools do California’s Latino Students Attend? Do Gaps in School Resources and Opportunities Mirror California’s Racial Gaps in School Success? Are California’s Latino Students Able to Reach Their Educational Goals?
Enrollment in CA Higher Ed Fall 2006
What’s Next? Indicators of Success in Higher Education CC degree attainment—4 yrs out –By high school & CC CC transfers—2-4 yrs out –By high school & CC CSU & UC degree attainment—6 yrs out –By high school & CC Degree attainment is various majors –By high school & CC
What’s Next? Latino Transfers from CCC to CSU/UC Fall 2006
What’s Next? Latino Degrees from CSU/UC 2006
What’s Next? Indicators of Opportunity in Higher Education CC resources and opportunities –by campus racial composition CSU & UC resources and opportunities –by campus racial composition