Hydrologic Model Integration Francisco Olivera, Ph.D., P.E. Texas A&M University Department of Civil Engineering
Model Integration Sharing of information between models is necessary to capture the complexity of natural hydrologic processes. This sharing of information between models in a systematic fashion is called here model integration.
Model Integration Connection on a two-model basis. Depends on the already connected models.
Model Integration HUB Connection on a hub basis. Independent of the already connected models
Arc Hydro Arc Hydro can be used as the hub for connecting hydrologic models.
What it is and what it is not … Entertainment center Arc Hydro is a standard data model for spatial and temporal hydrologic data. A data model is a template for organizing data, so that it can be found and retrieved easily. Arc Hydro is a geodatabase, that is, a relational database that contains geographic information. River network Watersheds Waterbodies Points
PrePro2002 HEC-HMS HUB HUB Arc Hydro PrePro2002 is an ArcGIS pre-processor for the HEC Hydrologic Modeling System (HMS) developed by Texas A&M University – Civil Engineering and Dodson and Associates, Inc. HEC-HMS “is a new generation software for precipitation-runoff simulation that supersedes the HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package.” (HEC-HMS User’s Manual) HEC-HMS HUB HUB Arc Hydro
PrePro2002 PrePro2002 uses the ArcGIS hydrologic functions to analyze the terrain.
PrePro2002 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 The eight-direction pour point algorithm (D-8) assigns a flow direction code to each cell, based on the steepest downhill slope as defined by the DEM. Flow direction codes 1 1 67 56 49 53 44 37 58 55 22 67 56 49 53 44 37 58 55 22
PrePro2002 Flow direction grid Flow network DEM Flow accumulation grid 78 72 69 71 58 2 2 2 4 4 74 67 56 49 46 2 2 2 4 4 69 53 44 37 38 1 1 2 4 8 64 58 55 22 31 128 128 1 2 4 68 61 47 21 16 128 128 1 1 4 DEM Flow direction grid Flow network 1 1 2 1 3 8 5 2 1 1 20 1 24 Flow accumulation grid Flow accumulation (> 2 cells) Watersheds
PrePro2002 Flow direction grid Flow accumulation grid
PrePro2002 Reaches Outlets
PrePro2002 Reaches and watersheds HMS basin file
PrePro2003 PrePro2003 will store the hydrologic elements in seven feature classes: HMSSubbasin HMSReach HMSJunction HMSSource HMSReservoir HMSDiversion HMSSink
PrePro2003 PrePro2003 will calculate the parameters of the hydrologic elements and store them as attributes of the seven feature classes.
PrePro2003 PrePro2003 will store the hydrologic time series in one object class: DSSTimeSeries
PrePro2003 Using XML files, PrePro2003 will prepare a HEC-HMS input file.
Conclusions Using an standard data model, it is possible to analyze complex hydrologic processes that require the use of multiple models and participation of multiple modeling teams.
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