ICEBERG: From POTS to PANS Anthony D. Joseph B. R. Badrinath June 11, 1998 UCB BARWAN Retreat
Iceberg Architecture 2-way Paging WIP GSM PSTN IP Iceberg Access Points (more than H.323 gateways) Provide policy engine Handle routing, security IAP Future networks: Satellite, UAVs, Military, InfoStations
Outline zPotentially Any Network Services (PANS) zSome areas to study zService Mobility as a first-class object zNaming, Authentication, and Billing zExample service zSummary
Potentially Any Network Services (PANS) zGoal: Cross-network services ySame-service in different networks yService handoff between networks zRelated work focused on single networks yOnly PSTN-IP link is being considered zLeverage NINJA infrastructure yService location and composition yPersistent data storage
Cross-Network Services zExample: Follow-Me Service yExists in PSTN/GSM: Static mappings & poor UI ySecurity and billing based upon “line” yHow to implement this in Iceberg? zExample: Any-to-Any Access to Services yAccess any service from any I/O device yE911: Where is the caller? yVoice over IP => jitter: Bad for IVR & tones
Classes of services zHow to deploy/extend services? zCross-implementation of services yE911, billing, MCIOne zMapping of existing services yDirectory services: 411, DNS, HLR, VLR, HA yVoic , zTotally new services yConcierge, location-dependent, best-mode routing
Partial List of Areas to Study for PANS zEntities - What are the endpoints? zNaming - “What’s in a name?” zAuthentication - Entity to Entity auth. zBilling - Charging entities not “lines” zRouting - QoS and cost issues zSource conversion - Text-to-Speech, etc. zNetwork mgmt - Monitoring, provisioning zIntelligent terminals - Svcs at the terminal
DeskPhone: DeskIP: LaptopIP: PCS: Home: DeskPhone: DeskIP: LaptopIP: PCS: Home: An Entity has a universal name and a profile. Entities are people or processes. Universal names are globally unique IDs. A profile is a set of domain-specific names. Service Mobility as a First-Class Object yUse indirection for One-to-Many mapping
Iceberg Inter-Domain Naming Protocol zNaming: yReuse network’s local naming services ySingle resolution point for universal names zRouting: yHandles inter-network signaling yUsers provide policies yIDNP gatekeepers provide policy engine yIDNP provides replication and consistency control
IDNP Overview IDNP Server IDNP Server Caller’s network, Interactive, CallerID certificate) IDNP Server IDNP Server Profile Policy System State System State Replicated Information: Real-time? Lazy? Epidemic? minutes/hours days/weeks weeks/months IAP
Authentication and Billing zEach network uses a different mechanism yPSTN relies on “line” yGSM uses SIM card (Carrier-carrier agreement) xOriginal cellular networks used personal agreements yIP uses host address, X.509, etc. zIceberg certificates - two versions yOnline verification by home network (Carrier) yOffline verification by local network (Personal/Visa)
Call-Forwarding Example zCallee’s can change policy and profiles from any network ySecure identification of entities yIDNP handles propagation of changes zIDNP can expose domain-specific addresses or hide them for privacy zDomain-specific information exposed to apps yInteractive? yBilling policies
Summer Prototyping Effort zIntegration work: yGSM basestation (GSM-IP) yH.323 gateway (PSTN-IP) zService Discovery zCellular data transport protocols zInformation dissemination zInteractive Voice Response and Control
Summary zServices that span multiple networks zLots of open problems! yRelated work doesn’t address multiple networks zIceberg testbed and Ninja infrastructure will provide a good proving ground
ICEBERG: From POTS to PANS Anthony D. Joseph B. R. Badrinath June 11, 1998 UCB BARWAN Retreat