Algorithms and Economics of Networks Abraham Flaxman and Vahab Mirrokni, Microsoft Research
Outline Network Congestion Games Congestion Games Rosenthal’s Theorem: Congestion games are potential Games: PoA for Congestion Games. Market Sharing Games. Network Design Games.
Network Congestion Games A directed graph G=(V,E) with n users, Each edge e in E(G) has a delay function f e, Strategy of user i is to choose a path A j from a source s i to a destination t i, The delay of a path is the sum of delays of edges on the path, Each user wants to minimize his own delay by choosing the best path.
Example: Network Congestion Game s1t1 t3t2 s2 s3
Example: Network Congestion Game s1t1 t3t2 s2 s3 Agent 2 path 1 Agent 2 path 2
Congestion Games n players, a set of facilities E, Strategy of player i is to choose a subset of facilities (from a given family of subsets T i ), Facility i have a cost (delay) function f e which depends on the number of players playing this facility, Each player minimizes its total cost,
Example: Congestion Games Picture from Kapelushnik Lior f1f2f3f4F5F6
Example: Congestion Games f1f2f3f4F5F6
Example: Congestion Games f1f2f3f4F5F6
Example: Congestion Games f1f2f3f4F5F6
Congestion Games: Pure NE Rosenthal’s Theorem (1979): Any congestion game is an exact potential game. Proof is based on the following Potential Function
Classes of Congestion Games Every network congestion game is a congestion game Symmetric and Asymmetric Players Network Design Games. Maximizing Congestion Games: Each player wants to maximize his payoff (instead of minimizing his delay) Market Sharing Games. Generalizations: Weighted Congestion Games Player-specific Congestion Games
Congestion Games: Social Cost Two social Cost functions: Consider a pure Strategy A = (A 1, A 2, …, A n ). Defintion 1: Defintion 2:
Congestion Games: PoA PoA for two social Cost functions: Defintion 1: Defintion 2: We Prove bounds for
Congestion Games: PoA PoA for congestion game with linear delay functions is at most 5/2. Proof: Lemma 1: for a pair of nonnegative integers a,b: Proof: …
Congestion Games: Lower Bound S1 S2 S3 t1 t2 t3
Congestion Games: PoA for mixed NE Theorem: PoA for mixed Nash equilibria in congestion games with linear latency function is Theorem: PoA for mixed Nash equilibria of weighted congestion games with linear latency function is Theorem: PoA for polynomial delay functions of constant degree is a constant.
Other Variants Atomic Congestion Games: Many infinitesimal users. The load of each user is very small. Theorem: PoA for non-atomic congestion games with linear latency functions is 4/3. Splittable Network Congestion Games
Market Sharing Games Congestion Game Facilities are Markets. Cost function Profit Function. Players share the profit of markets (equally). Each player has some packing constraint for the set of markets he can satisfy. PoA: 1/2.
Network Design Games Players want to construct a network. They share the cost of buying links in the network. Known Results: Price of Stability, Convergence…
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