The Future of Numerical Linear Algebra Automatic Performance Tuning of Sparse Matrix codes The Next LAPACK and ScaLAPACK James Demmel UC Berkeley
Outline Automatic Performance Tuning of Sparse Matrix Kernels Updating LAPACK and ScaLAPACK
Outline Automatic Performance Tuning of Sparse Matrix Kernels Updating LAPACK and ScaLAPACK
Berkeley Benchmarking and OPtimization (BeBOP) Prof. Katherine Yelick Rich Vuduc –Many results in this talk are from Vuduc’s PhD thesis, Rajesh Nishtala, Mark Hoemmen, Hormozd Gahvari Eun-Jim Im, many other earlier contributors Other papers at
Motivation for Automatic Performance Tuning Writing high performance software is hard –Make programming easier while getting high speed Ideal: program in your favorite high level language (Matlab, PETSc…) and get a high fraction of peak performance Reality: Best algorithm (and its implementation) can depend strongly on the problem, computer architecture, compiler,… –Best choice can depend on knowing a lot of applied mathematics and computer science How much of this can we teach?
Motivation for Automatic Performance Tuning Writing high performance software is hard –Make programming easier while getting high speed Ideal: program in your favorite high level language (Matlab, PETSc…) and get a high fraction of peak performance Reality: Best algorithm (and its implementation) can depend strongly on the problem, computer architecture, compiler,… –Best choice can depend on knowing a lot of applied mathematics and computer science How much of this can we teach? How much of this can we automate?
Examples of Automatic Performance Tuning Dense BLAS –Sequential –PHiPAC (UCB), then ATLAS (UTK) –Now in Matlab, many other releases – Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) & variations –FFTW (MIT) –Sequential and Parallel –1999 Wilkinson Software Prize – Digital Signal Processing –SPIRAL: (CMU) MPI Collectives (UCB, UTK) More projects, conferences, government reports, …
Tuning Dense BLAS —PHiPAC
Tuning Dense BLAS– ATLAS Extends applicability of PHIPAC; Incorporated in Matlab (with rest of LAPACK)
How tuning works, so far What do dense BLAS, FFTs, signal processing, MPI reductions have in common? –Can do the tuning off-line: once per architecture, algorithm –Can take as much time as necessary (hours, a week…) –At run-time, algorithm choice may depend only on few parameters Matrix dimension, size of FFT, etc.
Register Tile Size Selection in Dense Matrix Multiply =. n k m k n m n0n0 k0k0 k0k0 m0m0 n0n0 m0m0
Tuning Register Tile Sizes (Dense Matrix Multiply) 333 MHz Sun Ultra 2i 2-D slice of 3-D space; implementations color- coded by performance in Mflop/s 16 registers, but 2-by-3 tile size fastest Needle in a haystack
99% of implementations perform at < 66% of peak.4% of implementations perform at >= 80% of peak 90% of implementations perform at < 33% of peak
Limits of off-line tuning Algorithm and its implementation may strongly depend on data only known at run-time Ex: Sparse matrix nonzero pattern determines both best data structure and implementation of Sparse-matrix-vector-multiplication (SpMV) Can’t afford to generate and test thousands of algorithms and implementations at run-time! BEBOP project addresses sparse tuning
A Sparse Matrix You Use Every Day
Motivation for Automatic Performance Tuning of SpMV SpMV widely used in practice –Kernel of iterative solvers for linear systems eigenvalue problems Singular value problems Historical trends –Sparse matrix-vector multiply (SpMV): 10% of peak or less –2x faster than CSR with “hand-tuning” –Tuning becoming more difficult over time
SpMV Historical Trends: Fraction of Peak
Approach to Automatic Performance Tuning of SpMV Our approach: empirical modeling and search –Off-line: measure performance of variety of data structures and SpMV algorithms –On-line: sample matrix, use performance model to predict which data structure/algorithm is best Results –Up to 4x speedups and 31% of peak for SpMV Using register blocking –Many other optimization techniques for SpMV
Matrix-vector multiply kernel: y (i) y (i) + A (i,j) *x (j) for each row i for k=ptr[i] to ptr[i+1] do y[i] = y[i] + val[k]*x[ind[k]] SpMV with Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) Storage Matrix-vector multiply kernel: y (i) y (i) + A (i,j) *x (j) for each row i for k=ptr[i] to ptr[i+1] do y[i] = y[i] + val[k]*x[ind[k]]
Example 1: The Difficulty of Tuning n = nnz = 1.5 M kernel: SpMV Source: NASA structural analysis problem
Example 1: The Difficulty of Tuning n = nnz = 1.5 M kernel: SpMV Source: NASA structural analysis problem 8x8 dense substructure
Taking advantage of block structure in SpMV Bottleneck is time to get matrix from memory –Only 2 flops for each nonzero in matrix –Goal: decrease size of data structure Don’t store each nonzero with index, instead store each nonzero r-by-c block with one index –Storage drops by up to 2x (if rc >> 1, all 32-bit quantities) –Time to fetch matrix from memory decreases Change both data structure and algorithm –Need to pick r and c –Need to change algorithm accordingly In example, is r=c=8 best choice? –Minimizes storage, so looks like a good idea…
Speedups on Itanium 2: The Need for Search Reference Best: 4x2 Mflop/s
SpMV Performance (Matrix #2): Generation 1 Power3 - 13%Power4 - 14% Itanium %Itanium 1 - 7% 195 Mflop/s 100 Mflop/s 703 Mflop/s 469 Mflop/s 225 Mflop/s 103 Mflop/s 1.1 Gflop/s 276 Mflop/s
Register Profile: Itanium Mflop/s 1190 Mflop/s
Register Profiles: IBM and Intel IA-64 Power3 - 17%Power4 - 16% Itanium %Itanium 1 - 8% 252 Mflop/s 122 Mflop/s 820 Mflop/s 459 Mflop/s 247 Mflop/s 107 Mflop/s 1.2 Gflop/s 190 Mflop/s
Register Profiles: Sun and Intel x86 Ultra 2i - 11%Ultra 3 - 5% Pentium III-M - 15%Pentium III - 21% 72 Mflop/s 35 Mflop/s 90 Mflop/s 50 Mflop/s 108 Mflop/s 42 Mflop/s 122 Mflop/s 58 Mflop/s
Example 2: The Difficulty of Tuning n = nnz = 1.5 M kernel: SpMV Source: NASA structural analysis problem
Zoom in to top corner More complicated non- zero structure in general
3x3 blocks look natural, but… More complicated non- zero structure in general Example: 3x3 blocking –Logical grid of 3x3 cells
3x3 blocks look natural, but… More complicated non- zero structure in general Example: 3x3 blocking –Logical grid of 3x3 cells But would lead to lots of “fill-in”: 1.5x
Extra Work Can Improve Efficiency! More complicated non-zero structure in general Example: 3x3 blocking –Logical grid of 3x3 cells –Fill-in explicit zeros –Unroll 3x3 block multiplies –“Fill ratio” = 1.5 On Pentium III: 1.5x speedup! –Actual mflop rate = 2.25 higher
Automatic Register Block Size Selection Selecting the r x c block size –Off-line benchmark Precompute Mflops(r,c) using dense A for each r x c Once per machine/architecture –Run-time “search” Sample A to estimate Fill(r,c) for each r x c –Run-time heuristic model Choose r, c to minimize time Fill(r,c) / Mflops(r,c)
Accurate and Efficient Adaptive Fill Estimation Idea: Sample matrix –Fraction of matrix to sample: s [0,1] –Cost ~ O(s * nnz) –Control cost by controlling s Search at run-time: the constant matters! Control s automatically by computing statistical confidence intervals –Idea: Monitor variance Cost of tuning –Heuristic: costs 1 to 11 unblocked SpMVs –Converting matrix costs 5 to 40 unblocked SpMVs Tuning a good idea when doing lots of SpMVs
Test Matrix Collection Many on-line sources (see Vuduc’s thesis) Matrix 1 – dense (in sparse format) Matrices 2-9: FEM with one block size r x c –N from 14K to 62K, NNZ from 1M to 3M –Fluid flow, structural mechanics, materials … Matrices 10-17: FEM with multiple block sizes –N from 17K to 52K, NNZ from.5M to 2.7M –Fluid flow, buckling, … Matrices 18 – 37: “Other” –N from 5K to 75K, NNZ from 33K to.5M –Power grid, chem eng, finance, semiconductors, … Matrices 40 – 44: Linear Programming –(N,M) from (3K,13K) to (15K,77K), NNZ from 50K to 2M
Accuracy of the Tuning Heuristics (1/4) NOTE: “Fair” flops used (ops on explicit zeros not counted as “work”) See p. 375 of Vuduc’s thesis for matrices
Accuracy of the Tuning Heuristics (2/4)
Evaluating algorithms and machines for SpMV Some speedups look good, but could we do better? Questions –What is the best speedup possible? Independent of instruction scheduling, selection Can SpMV be further improved or not? –What machines are “good” for SpMV? –How can architectures be changed to improve SpMV?
Upper Bounds on Performance for register blocked SpMV P = (flops) / (time) –Flops = 2 * nnz(A) … don’t count extra work on zeros Lower bound on time: Two main assumptions –1. Count memory ops only (streaming) –2. Count only compulsory, capacity misses: ignore conflicts Account for line sizes Account for matrix size and nnz Charge minimum access “latency” i at L i cache & mem –e.g., Saavedra-Barrera and PMaC MAPS benchmarks
Example: L2 Misses on Itanium 2 Misses measured using PAPI [Browne ’00]
Example: Bounds on Itanium 2
Fraction of Upper Bound Across Platforms
Summary of Other Performance Optimizations Optimizations for SpMV –Register blocking (RB): up to 4x over CSR –Variable block splitting: 2.1x over CSR, 1.8x over RB –Diagonals: 2x over CSR –Reordering to create dense structure + splitting: 2x over CSR –Symmetry: 2.8x over CSR, 2.6x over RB –Cache blocking: 2.8x over CSR –Multiple vectors (SpMM): 7x over CSR –And combinations… Sparse triangular solve –Hybrid sparse/dense data structure: 1.8x over CSR Higher-level kernels –AA T *x, A T A*x: 4x over CSR, 1.8x over RB –A *x: 2x over CSR, 1.5x over RB
Example: Sparse Triangular Factor Raefsky4 (structural problem) + SuperLU + colmmd N=19779, nnz=12.6 M Dense trailing triangle: dim=2268, 20% of total nz Can be as high as 90+%! 1.8x over CSR
Cache Optimizations for AA T *x Cache-level: Interleave multiplication by A, A T Register-level: a i T to be r c block row, or diag row dot product “axpy” Algorithmic-level transformations for A 2 *x, A 3 *x, … … …
Impact on Applications: Omega3P Application: accelerator cavity design [Ko] Relevant optimization techniques –Symmetric storage –Register blocking –Reordering rows and columns to improve blocking Reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering to reduce bandwidth Traveling Salesman Problem-based ordering to create blocks –[Pinar & Heath ’97] –Make columns adjacent if they have many common nonzero rows 2.1x speedup on Power 4
Source: Accelerator Cavity Design Problem (Ko via Husbands)
100x100 Submatrix Along Diagonal
Post-RCM Reordering
Before: Green + Red After: Green + Blue “Microscopic” Effect of RCM Reordering
“Microscopic” Effect of Combined RCM+TSP Reordering Before: Green + Red After: Green + Blue
See: Optimized Sparse Kernel Interface OSKI Provides sparse kernels automatically tuned for user’s matrix & machine –BLAS-style functionality: SpMV, Ax & A T y, TrSV –Hides complexity of run-time tuning –Includes A T Ax, A k x For “advanced” users & solver library writers –Available as stand-alone library Alpha release at Release v1.0 “soon” –Will be available as PETSc extension
How OSKI Tunes Benchmark data 1. Build for Target Arch. 2. Benchmark Heuristic models 1. Evaluate Models Generated code variants 2. Select Data Struct. & Code Library Install-Time (offline) Application Run-Time To user: Matrix handle for kernel calls Workload from program monitoring Extensibility: Advanced users may write & dynamically add “Code variants” and “Heuristic models” to system. History Matrix
What about the Google Matrix? Google approach –Approx. once a month: rank all pages using connectivity structure Find dominant eigenvector of a matrix –At query-time: return list of pages ordered by rank Matrix: A = G + (1- )(1/n)uu T –Markov model: Surfer follows link with probability , jumps to a random page with probability 1- –G is n x n connectivity matrix [n billions] g ij is non-zero if page i links to page j –Steady-state probability x i of landing on page i is solution to x = Ax Approximate x by power method: x = A k x 0 –In practice, k 25
Awards Best Paper, Intern. Conf. Parallel Processing, 2004 –“Performance models for evaluation and automatic performance tuning of symmetric sparse matrix-vector multiply” Best Student Paper, Intern. Conf. Supercomputing, Workshop on Performance Optimization via High-Level Languages and Libraries, 2003 –Best Student Presentation too, to Richard Vuduc –“Automatic performance tuning and analysis of sparse triangular solve” Finalist, Best Student Paper, Supercomputing 2002 –To Richard Vuduc –“Performance Optimization and Bounds for Sparse Matrix-vector Multiply” Best Presentation Prize, MICRO-33: 3 rd ACM Workshop on Feedback- Directed Dynamic Optimization, 2000 –To Richard Vuduc –“Statistical Modeling of Feedback Data in an Automatic Tuning System”
Outline Automatic Performance Tuning of Sparse Matrix Kernels Updating LAPACK and ScaLAPACK
LAPACK and ScaLAPACK Widely used dense and banded linear algebra libraries –In Matlab (thanks to tuning…), NAG, PETSc,… –Used in vendor libraries from Cray, Fujitsu, HP, IBM, Intel, NEC, SGI –over 49M web hits at New NSF grant for new, improved releases –Joint with Jack Dongarra, many others –Community effort (academic and industry) –
Goals (highlights) Putting more of LAPACK into ScaLAPACK –Lots of routines not yet parallelized New functionality –Ex: Updating/downdating of factorizations Improving ease of use –Life after F77? Automatic Performance Tuning –Over 1300 calls to ILAENV() to get tuning parameters New Algorithms –Some faster, some more accurate, some new
Faster: eig() and svd() Nonsymmetric eigenproblem –Incorporate SIAM Prize winning work of Byers / Braman / Mathias on faster HQR –Up to 10x faster for large enough problems Symmetric eigenproblem and SVD –Reduce from dense to narrow band Incorporate work of Bischof/Lang, Howell/Fulton Move work from BLAS2 to BLAS3 –Narrow band (tri/bidiagonal) problem Incorporate MRRR algorithm of Parlett/Dhillon Voemel, Marques, Willems
MRRR Algorithm for eig(tridiagonal) and svd(bidiagonal) “Multiple Relatively Robust Representation” 1999 Householder Award honorable mention for Dhillon O(nk) flops to find k eigenvalues/vectors of nxn tridiagonal matrix (similar for SVD) –Minimum possible! Naturally parallelizable Accurate –Small residuals || Tx i – i x i || = O(n ) –Orthogonal eigenvectors || x i T x j || = O(n ) Hence nickname: “Holy Grail”
Benchmark Details AMD 1.2 GHz Athlon, 2GB mem, Redhat + Intel compiler Compute all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix T Codes compared: –qr: QR iteration from LAPACK: dsteqr –dc: Cuppen’s Divide&Conquer from LAPACK: dstedc –gr: New implementation of MRRR algorithm (“Grail”) –ogr: MRRR from LAPACK: dstegr (“old Grail”)
Timing of Eigensolvers (only matrices where time >.1 sec)
Accuracy Results (old vs new Grail)
Accuracy Results (Grail vs QR vs DC)
More Accurate: Solve Ax=b Conventional Gaussian EliminationWith iterative refinement n
More Accurate: Solve Ax=b Old idea: Use Newton’s method on f(x) = Ax-b –On a linear system? –Roundoff in Ax-b makes it interesting (“nonlinear”) –Iterative refinement Snyder, Wilkinson, Moler, Skeel, … Repeat r = Ax-b … compute with extra precision Solve Ad = r … using LU factorization of A Update x = x – d Until “accurate enough” or no progress
What’s new? Need extra precision (beyond double) –Part of new BLAS standard –Cost = O(n 2 ) extra per right-hand-side, vs O(n 3 ) for factorization Get tiny componentwise bounds too –Error in x i small compared to |x i |, not just max j |x j | “Guarantees” based on condition number estimates –No bad bounds in 6.2M tests, unlike old method –Different condition number for componentwise bounds Extends to least squares Kahan, Hida, Riedy, X. Li, many undergrads LAPACK Working Note # 165
Can condition estimators lie? Yes, unless they cost as much as matrix multiply –Demmel/Diament/Malajovich (FCM2001) But what if matrix multiply costs O(n 2 )? – Cohn/Umans (FOCS 2003)
New algorithm for roots(p) To find roots of polynomial p –Roots(p) does eig(C(p)) –Costs O(n 3 ), stable, reliable O(n 2 ) Alternatives –Newton, Laguerre, bisection, … –Stable? Reliable? New: Exploit “semiseparable” structure of C(p) –Low rank of any submatrix of upper triangle of C(p) preserved under QR iteration –Complexity drops from O(n 3 ) to O(n 2 ), same stability Ming Gu, Jiang Zhu, Jianlin Xia, David Bindel, -p 1 -p 2 … -p d 1 0 … … 0 … … … … 0 … 1 0 C(p)=
Conclusions Lots of opportunities for faster and more accurate solutions to classical problems Tuning algorithms for problems and architectures –Automated search to deal with complexity –Surprising optima, “needle in a haystack” Exploiting mathematical structure to find faster algorithms
Thanks to NSF and DOE for support These slides available at