Stoichiometry and Kinetics of Cell Growth and Product Formation
BASIC TERMINOLOGY Anchorage-dependent Attachment to a suitable substrate is required for multiplication Anchorage-independent Multiplication occurs in suspension (in either liquid or semi-solid medium) Anchorage-preferred Attachment to a suitable substrate is not necessary but preferred for multiplication Basal medium A mixture defined nutrient dissolved in a buffered physiological saline solution Chemically defined medium A medium prepared from reagent grade water and highly purified supplements – Trace impurities may be present but at levels too low to influence cellular growth responses Conditioning The modification of the cellular environment by product released by cells into the medium Growth factor A non-nutrient substance that controls proliferation in a regulative manner through interaction with specific cellular receptors Growth medium A mixture of nutrients that promotes cell multiplication Hormone Chemical substances that are transported through the body and affect target cells at locations remote from cells that produce them Maintenance medium A mixture of nutrients and supplements that maintains the structural and metabolic integrity of the cells (cell viability) but does not promote cell division. Nutrient A low molecular weight substance that enters cells and is utilized weather as substrate for biosynthesis or metabolism or else as a catalyst in those processes Peptone Acid or enzyme hydrolysate of fresh animal carcass, muscle or offal Supplement Any non-nutrient substance needed for cell growth (usually high molecular weight) Serum The liquid remaining after allowing freshly collected blood to clot Serum-free medium A basal medium that lacks whole or processed serum supplementation. Serum-free medium can and usually does contain one or more protein (or non-protein) component extracted and partially purified from serum or tissue