1 Lucas-Lehmer Primality Tester Presentation 8 March 22nd 2006 Team: W-4 Nathan Stohs W4-1 Brian Johnson W4-2 Joe Hurley W4-3 Marques Johnson W4-4 Design Manager: Prateek Goenka Overall Objective: Modular Arithmetic unit with a creative use
2 Status Finished –Project Chosen –C simulations –Behavioral Verilog –Structural Verilog –Floor Plan –Schematics –Pathmill Simulation of Top Level –Module Layout In Progress –Global Layout To Do –Global Simulations
3 Final Flip Flop Layout
4 16-bit Register Layout
5 Register ExtractedRC Simulation
6 Register Schematic Simulation
7 Shift_Right Extracted RC Simulation
8 Shift_Right Schematic Simulation
9 Shift_Left ExtractedRC Simulation
10 Shift_Left Schematic Simulation
11 Shifter_1 ExtractedRC Simulation
12 Shifter_1 Schematic Simulation
13 Mod_P ExtractedRC Simulation
14 Mod_P Schematic Simulation
15 Sub_16 ExtractedRC Simulation
16 Sub_16 Schematic Simulation
17 Propagation Delays ModuleSchematicExtractedRC Shifter_1755 ps949 ps Shifter_Right779 ps976 ps Shifter_Left780 ps964 ps Sub_16144 ps167 ps Mod_P769 ps944 ps 16-bit Reg106 ps118 ps
18 FSM Layout
19 Global Layout
20 Shift_Right Shift_LeftShift_Right Shift_Left Sub_16
21 Modules to be Wired
22 What’s Next Continue Global Routing Simulations on Global Design Power Values on Layout
23 Basketball Update Lost Team High 17 points for Marques School Record for Wins nd Team All-Conference for Marques 12.5 ppg 3.5 apg 5.0 rpg 39% 3-pt 58% FG UAA Champions We get championship rings that go bling
24 Questions?