Effective Training: Strategies, Systems and Practices, 2nd Edition


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Presentation transcript:

Effective Training: Strategies, Systems and Practices, 2nd Edition Chapter One Overview of Training in Organizations Chapter 1

Session Overview Define training& learning Define and differentiate among knowledge, skills, and attitudes Describe the components of a open systems model and training processes model Chapter 1

Overview of Training Training defined: “Training is a set of processes aimed at continuously improving employee and organizational systems” (p. 4) Chapter 1

Opportunities for the Millennium Demographics Shifts occur because: Aging of the population Companies face a severe shortage of skilled employees Lower birth rates Increased diversity of ethnic and cultural makeup Differing values of new generations of employees New work systems must be adopted to allow employees to work outside “company walls” Chapter 1

Opportunities for the Millennium Knowledge Workers: “The 21st century will see the value of products and services determined more by the knowledge of the workforce and less by physical labor” (p.5) Chapter 1

Opportunities for the Millennium Quality: High quality products and services are necessary just to stay in business Example: ISO 9000 Chapter 1

Important Concepts Learning: “a relatively permanent change in understanding and thinking that results from experience and directly influences behavior” (p. 7) Chapter 1

Classification of Learning Outcome Skill-Based Learning Compilation Automaticity Cognitive Knowledge Declarative Knowledge Procedural Knowledge Strategic Knowledge Attitudinal Learning Affect/Feelings Learning Chapter 1

Important Concepts KSAs: Knowledge, Skill, & Attitude Knowledge – the facts people learn & the strategies they learn for using those facts Declarative – storing factual information Procedural – applying facts already learned Strategic – using declarative & procedural knowledge to plan goal directing activity Chapter 1

Important Concepts KSAs: Knowledge, Skill, & Attitude Skill - the capacities needed to perform a set of tasks that are developed as a result of training & experience Compilation- when a person just learns a specific skill Automaticity - when a person is able to perform a skill without thinking about what they are doing Chapter 1

Important Concepts KSAs: Knowledge, Skill, & Attitude Attitude – employees belief & opinion that support or inhibit behavior Attitude directly affects Motivation Chapter 1

Important Concepts Competencies: “A broad grouping of knowledge, skills, & attitudes that enable a person to be successful at a number of similar tasks” - KSAs are the foundation of competencies - Example: Carpenter Chapter 1

Organizational Chart for Human Resource Function Vice President Human Resources HR Planning and Research Director Employment Director Employee Relations Compensation Human Resource Development Director Forecasting employment needs Succession planning Conducting research Recruiting Testing Hiring and employee termination Employee grievances In unionized firms management-union relations often involved in labor negotiations Compensation of employees (wages, salaries and benefits) Negotiates with outside benefit providers Improving the capabilities of employees If no director of Health & Safety exists this activity may fall under HRD Chapter 1

Possible Career Path in HRD Director HRD Rotation through other HRD management positions Manager, Training Support Services Supervisor of Materials Development Rotation through other specialist positions Entry-level specialist position (e.g., training materials developer) Chapter 1

Open Systems Model Characteristic of an Open Systems Model: Have a dynamic relationship with their environment. Are barriers restricting the flow from the external environment The system is open to influences from its environment. Inputs are transformed into outputs through a process. Chapter 1

Open Systems Model Example INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Systems External Environment Chapter 1

Training as a Subsystem within the Organizational System TRAINING SUBSYSTEM Organizational Needs Analysis Knowledge Employee Needs Design Skills Budget Development Attitudes Equipment Implementation Motivation Staff Evaluation Job Performance INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT TRAINING’S ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENT Mission Strategy Structure Policies Procedures Finances Resources People Products Technology Chapter 1

Training Processes Model Outcome Evaluation Data Needs Analysis Phase Input Process Output Design Phase Development Phase Implementation Phase Evaluation Phase Process Evaluation Data Triggering Event Chapter 1

Training Processes Model Needs Analysis – determination of organizations needs Design Phase – identifying the factors needed in the training program Development – formulating an instructional strategy Implementation – conducting the training Evaluation – judge the quality of the training Chapter 1