12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location1 Indoor Location Using Wireless Sensor Networks Tim Porter Jeremy Witmer CS 522 Fall 2006 Semester Project
12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location2 Why realtime indoor location? First responders Building security
12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location3 Wireless SENSOR Networks Self-forming mesh network Micropower processor and radio Highly configurable sensor capability
12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location4 TinyOS nesC Structured, component-based language Hardware access wrapped into components
12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location5 Hardware Diagram
12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location6 Motes
12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location7 Mote Software Fixed/Mobile mote Base mote
12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location8 Location Algorithm Trilateration Measurement ratio = signal strength/distance
12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location9 Location Software
12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location10 Location Software
12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location11 Results Describe the testing environment Locations found with error of approx. 5 inches in a network approx. 120 inches square Concurrency issues Algorithmic issues High power drain
12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location12 Further Research Attenuated signal testing Updated mote code Updated location software Querying/remote control of motes Extension to 3 dimensions
12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location13 Conclusions List your key contributions/points
12/6/06 witmer-porter/wsn-location14 Questions?