Cynthia Parr Species Pages Group GBIF Briefing 11 Aug 2010
Catalogue of Life IUCN GBIF Biodiversity Heritage Library Content providers Databases LifeDesks Public contribution CURATORS COMMENTERS TAGGERS
Statistics 2.4 million pages ~80 content partners 1.7 million data objects 400,000 taxon pages 330,000 pages with vetted objects 430 curators/1000s contributors/~43,000 members Pages with a vetted object
New features & projects API – see Content summaries Global partners
EOL Global Partners China Australia Dutch South Africa Central America US Federal Pan- Arab Norway
Integrated US federal biodiversity system 250,000 occurrence points via GBIF >100 data layers from EPA, NASA, USGS e.g. land use, soil type, climate, nutrient deposition, air quality, water quality Pending: Species ranges from USFWS and USGS Integrated Earth
Species mashups ITIS names hierarchy EOL images & descriptions NatureServ descriptions Pending: Links to collections data, other image sources 8/10/10 Integrated US federal biodiversity system
Future plans Content plan/Mini-grants Exploring relationship with IPT Launch v2 in June 2011 e.g. maps tab,Lists/Missions towards NA EOL
Themes, e.g. Marine 90% of 230,000 marine species by ,000 pages with content so far, about 1/3
BHL status 43,047 titles, 31,243,922 pages 890,000 EOL pages with links to BHL literature (of which 670K have no other text) User survey with BHL Europe – 1000 respondents – New features Signed: BHL Australia and BHL China