Presentation of Phase 3 Monday 12/11/2006 Nick DePompeo, Brian Hufe, Mike Sacra, Ben Stuchlik
Southco Over the past 60 years, Southco has grown through innovation, strategic acquisitions and overseas investments into a global leader in Engineered Access Hardware. DZUS quarter-turn fasteners provide quick, effortless access/fastening for military and aerospace applications.
Project Scope Definition To accurately design and manufacture an interface between an MTS machine and required fasteners to produce an efficient and safe testing process for all required tests.
Current Process Utilizes 3 machines Utilizes compressed air Requires skilled, trained operator Tensile, shear and torsional tests are performed Tensile/Shear Fastener Testing Tensile/Shear Receptacle Testing Torque Fastener Testing
Why Change? Three required machines to run tests Extensive Testing time Repetitive Testing Process Testing process may be inaccurate Southco has an MTS machine available
Customer Wants Decrease skill requirement of testing procedure Decrease testing time Maintain testing safety standards Develop an interface with available MTS Machine Increase repeatability and accuracy
Metrics Number of machines Testing time Accuracy Repeatability Durability
Benchmark-Target Value Comparison 1)3 Machines1)1 Machine (MTS Machine) 2) Approximately 8-9 hours2) Less than 4 hours per lot 3) Unknown3) 10% more accurate than what is being tested 4) Unknown4) 10% more repeatable than current process 5) N/A5) Operational for a minimum of 10 years Benchmark ValuesTarget Values
Selected Concept: Single interface for all tests Reduced setup time between tests Easily allows for “nesting” feature
Key Pieces 1)Top U Piece 2)Bottom U Piece 3)Nesting 4)Rotator Pieces
Assembly Model
Nesting Nesting allows for adaptation. New fasteners may be tested through the use of new nesting pieces.
Locking/Unlocking Fastener
Shear to Tensile Test Re-Positioning
Design Schematic
Testing Procedure 1) Attach interface to MTS machine 2) Load TestWorks and initialize test 3) Calibrate machine 4) Performed 3 trials of testing for 3- fastener lots using required testing order 5) Record data and analyze results
Testing Results Interface works as intended. Testing time reduced to target value.
Test Validation- Ease of Use Current System: Requires three Machines New System: Requires 1 Machine
Test Validation- Testing Time Testing Time has been reduced by approximately 4 hours Current testing time take approximately 8 hours per lot
Test Validation- Accuracy Load Cell is much more accurate than the current compressed air system which can have leaks. The new system is calibrated every time a new testing shift begins.
Test Validation- Repeatability Testing showed a high degree of repeatability. Testing time had a low std. deviation
Value to Southco Decreased testing time More lots can be tested in a given time. Set testing procedure Detailed step-by-step procedure Minimizes operator skill requirements Takes up less space
Project Costs
Implementation Plan Southco will be provided with the interface and necessary hardware/software. Southco will be provided with a detailed operations manual, including engineering drawings. Southco will be provided with a first- hand training session for operators.
Financial Payback Skilled operator salary: $30/hr Current Test Time: 8.5 hr Tests per day: 1 test = $ per test Skilled operator salary: $30/hr New Test Time: 4.5 hr Tests per day: 1 test = $ per test Estimated Savings = $ per test At a total cost of $ , it would take Southco approximately 20 days of testing to completely pay off the new testing system.