The Silver Star Families of America is committed to providing detailed information to our donors and the public about the effectiveness of our programs. The only way to provide such information is by measuring the outcome.
The mission of the Silver Star Families of America: To remember, honor and assist the wounded, ill and dying of our armed forces from all wars. All of our programs fit into this mission statement.
Remembering The SSFOA sponsors Silver Star Service Banner Day on May 1 st of every year. For 2009, 49 states signed proclamations remembering the sacrifices of our wounded and ill. 2,401 cities and counties also signed proclamations with 1,845 of them being made permanent. Joining them was Saipan, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Chickasaw Nation. Missouri has made May 1 st a law with several other states wishing to follow suit. This program costs the SSFOA $O dollars out of our budget. Phone and personnel costs are provided by volunteers who absorb all expenditures.
Honoring The SSFOA honors the wounded and ill by presenting Silver Star Service Banners and certificates. This is our major program expenditure but is easily measured because the price of the Banners and certificates remain relatively stable. The SSFOA has given out thousands of Silver Star Service Banners and the expenditures are reflected in “programs” on our 990.
Assisting The SSFOA has several programs Letter writing teams to write letters to our wounded, ill and dying Surplus property to our homeless veterans Honoring Hungry Heroes, providing food cards to hospitalized wounded Honoring incarcerated veterans with the Silver Star Service Banner Joint program with the Soldier Angels in providing hand held games to our wounded Veterans Affairs Volunteer Services Advisory Board member—We are responsible for providing care packages or services to at least one V.A. facility in all 50 states Hospice: The SSFOA provides prayer blankets to our dying veterans We also provide certificates of appreciation to: Wounded war dogs, war medics and the Merchant Marine.
All these programs are easily measured. The SSFOA keeps track of the number of cards and letters sent to the wounded. The only expenditure is postage. We also keep track of the transfer of surplus property to our homeless veterans. And while we have distributed thousands of dollars of property the net costs to the SSFOA is $O Our incarcerated veterans program is covered under our general Banner distribution costs Our Hospice program is very easily measured. We purchase the Blankets at a fix cost and distribute to one person each.
Since most of our programs are geared to one on one service, we are able to track the effectiveness of our programs very accurately. Variables might include our Christmas VA program and other minor expenditures. We have no paid employees or board members. Our admin costs run less than 3% Our fund raising expenses are near zero because we are all volunteers You may rest assured that the money you donate goes to where you wish it to go The SSFOA is committed to our wounded, ill and dying and we are also committed to openness and measuring the effectiveness of our programs.