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Presentation transcript:

Chapter Five Motivation

Motivation Research on motivation attempts to determine why people behave the way they do and to understand the ramifications of such behavior. The changing role and interaction of technology at work is one factor that explains why motivation remains an important research topic. Additionally, our movement to an information and service-based economy may have varying effects on motivation factors and resulting employee behaviors.

Motivation Motivation is derived from the Latin word movere, “to move.” The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines motivation (root motive) as “something (as a need or desire) that causes a person to act” while motivate is defined as “the object influencing a choice or prompting an action.” Several common themes among motivation definitions refers to action or behavior toward goals, specifically, the individual and environmental antecedent factors that cause action, the goal itself, and feedback acting as a moderator which can influence the intensity of achieving the goal

Motivation An understanding of the complexities of contemporary organizations and how individual’s differing motivations influence needs, actions and goals is essential to fully comprehend the effects of variations in other factors such as leadership styles, job design, salary, as they relate to performance, satisfaction, and other outcomes

Other Definitions Direction of behavior Strength of the response (effort) once employee chooses to follow a course of action Persistence of the behavior or how long the person continues to behave in a particular manner Different motivators for different cultures/situations Emphasis on different factors depending on what is being studied.

Why does an organization want to motivate employees? Fear of unions Promote positive climate Able to pay workers less Other reasons?

Motivation Popular definition of “motivation” Willingness to perform Regarded as an individual-level attitude Understood to be affected by “leadership” May be nothing more than an internal attribution when observed behavior is consistent or inconsistent with organizational expectations

Motivation Defined Motivation: Psychological processes that cause the arousal direction, and persistence of voluntary actions that are goal directed. Implications Associated with This Definition Behavior is purposive rather than random - People exhibit both positive (work done on time) and negative (arrive late for work) behavior for a reason Motivation arouses people to do something - People are unlikely to change a behavior or do something different unless they are motivated to do so Motivation causes people to focus on a desired end-result or goal Motivation fuels the persistence needed to exhibit sustained effort on a task

A Job Performance Model of Motivation Ability, Job knowledge Dispositions & Traits Emotions, Moods, &Affect Beliefs & Values Individual Inputs Physical Environment Task Design Rewards & Reinforcement Supervisory Support & Coaching Social Norms Organizational Culture Job Context Arousal Attention Intensity & & Direction Persistence Motivational Processes Motivated Behaviors Skills Enable, Limit

A Job Performance Model of Motivation (cont.) Skills Individual Inputs Motivated Behaviors Focus: Direction, What we do Intensity: Effort, how hard we try Quality: Task strategies, the way we do it Duration: Persistence, how long we stick to it Motivational Processes Performance Job Context Enable, Limit

Motivation Theories Content theories – focus on factors within the person that energize, direct, sustain, and stop behavior. They attempt to determine the specific needs that motivate people (individual needs for job satisfaction, behavior, and reward systems). Aware of differences in people Process theories – describe and analyze how behavior is energized, directed, sustained and stopped by factors external to the person. Understand how individuals make choices based on preferences, rewards, and accomplishments.

Content Theories Within a person, individual need deficiencies activate tensions that trigger a behavioral response. Managers should: Determine what needs trigger performance, group and personal behaviors Offer meaningful rewards to satisfy needs Know when it is appropriate to offer rewards Adapt to people’s changing needs

Motivation Theories Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow) - content Nach Theory (McClelland) - content Reinforcement Theory - process Self-Efficacy Theory (Bandura) Job Design (Enlargement, Rotation, Enrichment) Two-Factor Model (Herzberg) - content Job Characteristics Model (Hackman & Oldham) Empowerment (Spreitzer) Equity Theory (Adams) - process Expectancy Theory (Vroom) - process Goal-Setting (Locke) - process

Motivation Theories and Workplace Outcomes Choice to pursue a course of action Need Reinforcement Equity Outcome of Interest Effort Performance Satisfaction Absenteeism Turnover X

Motivation Theories and Workplace Outcomes (continued) Choice to pursue a course of action Expectancy Goal Setting Job Characteristics Outcome of Interest Effort Performance Satisfaction Absenteeism Turnover X

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Physiological Most basic need. Safety Consists of the need to be safe. Love The desire to love and be loved. Esteem Need for reputation, prestige, and recognition from others. Self-Actualization Desire for self-fulfillment.

Research on Maslow Very few studies can confirm or refute the theory. It may be that the dynamics implied are too complex to be operationalized and confirmed by scientific research. Helps to explain aspects of human behavior but it is not accurate/thorough to explain individual behavior. A satisfied need may lose its motivating potential. Managers are advised to motivate employees by devising programs aimed at satisfying emerging or unmet needs. Managers high in the organization place greater emphasis on self-actualization

Alderfer ERG Theory Existence – needs satisfied by factors such as food, air, water, pay, and working conditions Relatedness- needs satisfied by meaningful social and interpersonal relationships Growth – needs satisfied by creative contributions In addition to satisfaction-progression hierarchy, there is frustration-regression.

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Views on job satisfaction Extrinsic conditions or job context include pay, status, working conditions. The presence of these conditions does not motivate the person but the absence results in dissatisfaction. Also called hygiene factors Intrinsic conditions or job content include feelings of achievement, increased responsibility and recognition. The absence does not lead to dissatisfaction but when present they build levels of motivation that result in good job performance. Also called motivators. Requires an enriched job to motivate employees

Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Model Motivators No Satisfaction Satisfaction Jobs that do not Jobs offering offer achievement achievement, recognition, recognition, stimulating work, stimulating work, responsibility, responsibility, and advancement. and advancement.

Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Model (continued) Hygiene Factors Dissatisfaction No Dissatisfaction Jobs with poor Jobs with good company policies, company policies, and administration, and administration, technical supervision technical supervision, salary, interpersonal salary, interpersonal relationships with relationships with supervisors, and supervisors, and working conditions. working conditions.

McClelland’s Need Theory Need For Achievement: Desire to excel and accomplish something difficult. Achievement-motivated people prefer tasks of moderate ability that they can achieve situations in which their performance is due to their own efforts more feedback on their success and failures than do low achievers Need For Affiliation: Desire to spend time in social relationships and activities. Need For Power: Desire to influence, coach, teach, or encourage others to achieve.

McClelland’s Need Theory When a need is strong, its effect is to motivate the person to use behavior to satisfy the need. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) Differences in needs based on culture, economic background and gender Can adult behaviors be changed or is motivation developed in childhood?

Causes of Job Satisfaction Job Satisfaction: An affective or emotional response to various facets of one’s job. Need Fulfillment: Satisfaction is based on the extent to which a job satisfies a person’s needs. Discrepancies: Satisfaction is determined by the extent to which an individual receives what he or she expects from a job. Value Attainment: Satisfaction results from the extent to which a job allows fulfillment of one’s work values. Equity: Satisfaction is a function of how “fairly” an individual is treated at work. Trait/Genetic Components: Satisfaction is partly a function of personal traits and genetic factors.

Correlates of Job Satisfaction Variables Related Direction of Strength of to Satisfaction Relationship Relationship Motivation Positive Moderate Job Involvement Positive Moderate Organizational citizenship behavior Positive Moderate Organizational commitment Positive Strong Absenteeism Negative Weak Tardiness Negative Weak Turnover Negative Moderate Heart Disease Negative Moderate Perceived stress Negative Strong Pro-union voting Negative Moderate Job performance Positive Weak Life satisfaction Positive Moderate Mental health Positive Moderate

Figure 5.5 & Table 5.2 Excellent Summary Be able to discuss differences and similarities in the models