Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Greening Business: An online teaching resource Session 8 Session 8: Purchasing Suggested session outline
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. How to use the teaching slides These slides are not intended to form a complete lecture on the session topic. These resources are designed to suggest a framework to help tutors develop their own lecture material These resources may be used for undergraduate educational purposes only, for other uses please contact the author When using these resources full acknowledgement to the originator and source should be made. These slides were last updated in February 2010
Disclaimer Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Links within this presentation may lead to other sites. These are provided for convenience only. We do not sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of any information or statements appearing in those sites. The author is not responsible for the availability of, or the content located on or through, any such external site. While every effort and care has been taken in preparing the content of this presentation, the author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information in any of the content. The author also (to the extent permitted by law) shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information. The author is also not liable for any losses or damages arising from the use of, or reliance on sites linked to this site, or the internet generally. Pictures, photographs and diagrams within this presentation have been produced by the author unless otherwise stipulated No content within this resource is knowingly an infringement of copyright. Any infringement can be immediately rectified on notification of the author of the resource
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Session outline 1.Why purchasing is important 2.What considerations should be taken into account in purchasing decisions 3.Implementing more sustainable purchasing strategies Purchasing cuts across some of the topics already covered: waste, transport, company image (Photos: Stephen Whitfield)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. The role of purchasing Financial criteria have traditionally been the main influence on purchasing policies, this doesn’t have to be the case… (Source: yomanimus (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Why are purchasing decisions important? Some of the reasons to consider environmental/sustainability issues in in purchasing decisions PURCHASING Company image Consumer requirements Protection in future markets Opportunities for cost reduction Generating new markets
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Barriers to more sustainable purchasing decisions PICK ME! In purchasing decisions… money talks
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Purchasing and waste Buying too much can lead to more waste (Source: Samuel Mann (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Purchasing and transport Purchasing in bulk can reduce transport costs (Source: JasonRogersFooDogGiraffeeBee (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Case study: The power of purchasing – organic cotton There is a growing demand for organic cotton products (Source: theogeo (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Life Cycle Analysis in purchasing decisions The whole supply chain needs to be considered (see Session 3) Product Raw materials (mining practices? labour?) Raw materials (sustainable source?) Manufacture (labour issues? energy costs?) Waste by-products (toxicity?) Product use (energy use? emissions? Disposal/waste (toxicity?) Waste by-products (toxicity?) Waste by-products (toxicity?) Examples of some life cycle/supply chain considerations
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Further considerations in purchasing decisions Environmental quality Economic prosperity Social justice SUSTAINABLE The three ‘pillars’ of sustainable development – these should all be embedded into purchasing decisions
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Sustainable certification schemes Examples of certification schemes that can help inform purchasing decisions
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Strategies for implementing a sustainable procurement culture Locally-sourced and organic food maybe part of your purchasing criteria (Photo: Centre for Alternative Technology, Zoe Robinson)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Green claims code A green claim should be…A green claim should not… Truthful, accurate and able to be substantiated Be vague or ambiguous Relevant to the product and environment Imply that it commands universal acceptance Clear about what the claim refers to Imply more than it actually covers Explicit about the meaning of any symbol (e.g. a company’s own ‘green’ symbol) Make comparisons unless it is clear, specific and relevant (e.g. ‘is better for the environment’ needs further qualification) In plain language and in line with standard definitions Imply that a product/service is exceptional if it is based on standard practice (i.e. doesn’t contain a substance that is already banned) Use language that exaggerates the advantages of the feature Imply endorsement by an external organisation if it has not been Examples from ‘The Green claims code’ (Source: Defra, 1998) In purchasing decisions - beware of ‘greenwash’
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Further resources and references Green claims code ess/marketing/glc/code.htm ess/marketing/glc/code.htm Organic Exchange (undated) ?t=b2c&b=nike ?t=b2c&b=nike