1 Ready to Succeed Update An exploration of secondary and post-secondary educational outcomes for foster children in California K. Frerer, L. Sosenko, & N. Pellegrin March 17, 2010 The Ready to Succeed Project is supported by the Stuart Foundation
2 Ready to Succeed: Overview of Presentation Comparison of participating districts versus those not in the study Number of links between student and foster youth records, overall and across segment levels (e.g., K12 to community college, K12 to university) Demographic description of the matched K12 foster youth Revised timeline
3 Ready to Succeed: Participating & non-participating districts Academic Performance Index (API) and Student Count of Participating and Non-Participating Districts Participating Districts Non- Participating DistrictsTotal Mean API Count699,976342,0781,042,054 Percent67%33%100% Difference between mean API (7.7) is not statistically significant at α=0.05. Source: CDE 2006 API Growth File
4 Ready to Succeed: Participating & non-participating districts
Original FY Sample K12 Community College University N= 90,016N= 39,095N= 7,284N= 418 Ready to Succeed: Match Statistics Foster Youth Sample (Aged 6+) and Cal-PASS Data Match by School Segment and County Overall, 42,485 unique school aged foster youth were matched to educational data from the 3 school segments (47%)
Ready to Succeed: Match Statistics-Gender Foster Youth Sample (Aged 6+) and Cal-PASS Data Match by School Segment and Gender Original FY Sample F: 51% M: 49% K-12 F: 52% M: 48% CC F: 60% M: 40% University F: 67% M: 33%
Ready to Succeed: Match Statistics-Exit A higher proportion of emancipated youth are matched at all school segment levels. Of the initial sample, 44% were matched at the K-12 level and 37% at the community college level.
8 Ready to Succeed: Match By Cal-PASS Educational Files K-12 files: Course: 29,729 CST*: 17,867 Cat-6 : 8,648 Cahsee: ELA: 3,047 Math: 2,811 Award: 3,803 Community College files: Course: 7,284 Award: 273 University files: Course: 418 Award: 42 *California Standards Test HS diplomaGraduated with different proficiency standards Graduated through independent study GED certificate Certificate completed through adult education or ROP CHSPE but no HS diploma 2, AA/ASCertificate: 60 + units Other credit (< 6 units) Non Credit: hours Non Credit: 48 to 96 hours All-- BA/BS/other bachelors Unique Foster Youth Count by Education file type
9 Ready to Succeed: Revised Timeline 3/17 Current Status: All data are linked. Conducting preliminary descriptive analyses. Awaiting IRB renewal/addendum approval. 4/16 Meeting to review initial analyses to refine follow-up analyses and draft report outline. 4/30 Follow-up analyses and write-ups due. 5/14 Report 1st draft to internal reviewers. 6/11 Reviewers comments due on report 1st draft. 7/9 Send 2nd draft of final report to CDSS and Stuart. 8/13 Reviewers comments due on 2nd draft of report. 8/27 Final report complete.