HCl, V<-<-X, v´=14, j’=7,8, Q line, from VHW Agust,www,..../remi/hcl/HCl,agust07-/HCl VQ7,8,PvsI vhwak.ppt Agust,heima,..../REMPI/HCl/HCl,agust07-/HCl VQ7,8,PvsI vhwak.pxp
450,134, , ,937,05282 i.e 35Cl+ H35Cl+ ?, possibly H 2 35 Cl + NB!: It is hard to believe that This could be 37Cl+ since hardly no H37Cl+ signal is observed and the ratio of H37Cl+ to 37Cl+ should be comparable to that For H35Cl+ to 35Cl+ Conclusion from calibration based on H+, C+ and C2+ masses For no window
35, ,03627 Repeated Mass spectra vs power for HCl V´=14, j´=7, Q lines E=0.2 mJ at cm\S-1\M Used 0-5 windows respectively. Scope set up: 1 \F'Symbol'm\F'Arial'S/20 mV/div 19/09/2007, Wang For no window It looks as if there are big high speed components and small low speed components, both for 35Cl+ and H35Cl+ 35Cl+ H35Cl+ Conclusion from calibration based on H+, C+ and C2+ masses
H+ 35Cl+ H35Cl+ Repeated Mass spectra vs power for HCl V´=14, j´=7, Q lines E=0.2 mJ at cm\S-1\M Used 0-5 windows respectively. Scope set up: 1 \F'Symbol'm\F'Arial'S/20 mV/div 19/09/2007, Wang
It looks as if I(H+), I(35Cl+) and I(H35Cl+) from the last data is constant with power