建設跨越明天的未來校園 Establishing a School for and of the Future YIP Chee Tim, Principal 葉賜添校長 資訊科技教育會議 2007 IT in Education Symposium.


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Presentation transcript:

建設跨越明天的未來校園 Establishing a School for and of the Future YIP Chee Tim, Principal 葉賜添校長 資訊科技教育會議 2007 IT in Education Symposium

Pui Ching Middle School Founded in Guangzhou in 1889, and was built on the present site in Using Chinese as the Medium of Instruction in teaching, and using English in learning. Striving for the higher quality of teaching is the first and foremost task of our school. We commit to help students to attain a whole- person development on academic, moral, physical and aesthetic aspects, and provide them with a visionary learning environment.

Pui Ching e-Campus Since 1996, Pui Ching has introduced IT on the campus and established the e-Collaborative learning environment. The newly designed e-Campus composed of e-Community and e-Academy e-Community : Intelligences growth e-Academy : Knowledge building

e-Communicating Environment 電子交往環境 傳播交往 Broadcast Communication 傳播交往 Broadcast Communication 個人交往 Personal Communication 個人交往 Personal Communication 互動交往 Interactive Communication 互動交往 Interactive Communication 協作 支持 e-Collaborative Learning Environment 電子協作學習環境 Web-citizens 網友 Professionals 專家 Knowledge Contributor 智者 Knowledge Contributor 智者 Autonomous Learner 自主學習者 Facilitator 推動者 Facilitator 推動者 Supporter 支持者 Anonymous Contributor 隱者 Anonymous Contributor 隱者 Students 學生 Parents 家長 Teachers 教師 e-Learning Environment 電子學習環境 全球資源 Global-resources 校本資源 School-based Resources 校際資源 Inter-school Resources Intranet Internet Extranet 電子歷程檔案系統 e-Portfolio System 電子學習系統 e-learning system 電子校園 e-Academy 回饋 使用

e-Communicating Environment Broadcast Communication Personal Communication Interactive Communication e-Learning e-Learning Environment Web-based Resources e-Portfolio IT & IS Infrastructure Application Platform Resources Management System Student Learning & Assessment System Student Performance Management System System Platform Internet Systems Intranet Systems Network/Sever/TV Systems Security Control Systems Hardware Platform Multimedia Learning Center Networked Computer Computer & TV Network Security Network Changing School Organization e-Leadership e-Management e-Culture e-Assessment e-Learner-centered Curriculum Discovery Learning Project Learning Problem-based Learning Collaborative Learning Assessment for Learning Emerging Pedagogy

We believe that school of the future should be a learning organization of intelligence and the school should not only transfer knowledge but also develop and create new knowledge. The success of the knowledge development and creation is highly dependent on a systematic way of knowledge management. Once there is a systematic management, knowledge can be kept and further developed in the future. Leading School to the Future

School of Future Project Focus on Triplization in Education, Multiple Intelligences and Contextualized Multiple Intelligences, as well as Life Education Global learning, Mobile learning, Action learning are introduced so that students can explore, share, and learn from others with fewer limitations. Knowledge creation and Learner-centered learning are the main theme. Our school provides a high quality of learning environment for assisting student development.

Emphasis of New Education in the 21 st century New Triplization Paradigm Traditional Site-Bounded Paradigm Shift Cheng, Y. C. (2000). A CMI-triplization paradigm for reforming education in the new millennium. The International Journal of Educational Management 14(4), 156 – 174.

Triplization in Education Localizaton Individualization Globalization + To maximize the motivation, initiative and creativity in teaching & learning To maximize the local relevance, community support and initiative in schooling, teaching & learning To maximize the global relevance and achieve worldwide support and intellectual resources in schooling, teaching & learning

Howard Gardner (1993) Multiple Intelligences (Biological) Linguistic intelligence Logical-mathematical intelligence Musical intelligence Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence Naturalistic intelligence Spatial intelligence Interpersonal intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence Gardner, Howard (1993). Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, 10 th Anniversary Edition. NY: BasicBooks

Cheng, Y. C. (2001 ) Contextualized Multiple Intelligences (CMI) Technological Person Economic Person Social Person Political Person Cultural Person Learning Person Cheng, Y. C. (2001), p24

Challenges of Design How can Learning Environment be redesigned to facilitate: 1.Development of MIs? 2.Development of CMIs? 3.Intelligence Growth? 4.Life Education?

Leading School into the Future –School of the future –Classroom of the future –Student of the future –Teacher of the future

Communication Activities Centre Environmental Classroom Multi-channel TV Station Global Classroom Mobile Classroom Performance Activities Centre Arts Activities Centre Music Activities Centre Interactive Classroom School of the Future

All-weather Running Track Sports Ground Throwing Field Long Jump Field

Exhibition Activities Centre Lecture Theatre School Hall Gymnasium

Cafe Gym Room

Green Campus

Campus Garden

Green Path

Green House

Classrooms of the Future Global Classroom Broadband Network / Network Computer / Smart-board facilities/Video & audio recording facilities Interactive Classroom Interactive Smart-board / Network Computer / Video-recording facilities Mobile Classroom Mobile & broadband network / Mobile facilities / Mobile Learning System

Infrastructure of Mobile Classroom C.T. YIP (2006)

Global School Environment Individualization Global Environment Local Environment Networked Infrastructure S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

Students of the Future C.T.Yip (2004) Global Perspective

Promotion of Life Education

Moral Education

Teachers of the Future The Restructure of Schooling A Boundaryless Organization A Learning Organization An Intelligent Organization

1. A Boundaryless Organization Crossing Vertical Boundaries Cross level (s1/s2/s3 …… )/Cross age (11/12/13 …… ) Crossing Horizontal Boundaries Cross subject /Cross space /Cross time Crossing External Boundaries Teachers/Parents/Professionals/Web-citizens Crossing Geographic Boundaries Anywhere/Anytime/Anyway

2. A Learning Organization a. Knowledge Building b. Network Building c. Capacity Building

Data, Ideas Information Knowledge Wisdom Intelligence a. Knowledge Building

b. Network Building Networked human environment (Mok & Cheng, 2000)

c. Capacity Building Intellectual Capital Network Capital –Personal network –Local network –Global network

3. An Intelligent Organization a. Performance Management Continuous improvement of performance as an objective b. Knowledge Management Continuous application of new knowledge as an objective c. Competence Management Continuous improvement of competence as an objective Pentti Sydanmaanlakka (2002)

未來學校 School of the Future 建立學校願景 School Vision Building 建設優美而具現代氣息校園 Establishment of Elegant and Modernized Campus 發展多元智能及 情境多元智能 Development of MI and CMI 建設智慧型組織 Establishment of Intelligent Organization 建設學習型組織 Establishment of Learning Organization 建設無涯型組織 Establishment of Boundaryless Organization 新三重化教育範式 New Triplization Paradigm in Education

十年樹木 百年樹人 培正 培正道上 培正道

構思教育 展望未來 今日夢想 明日成真

建設跨越明天的未來校園 Establishing a School for and of the Future Thank You