20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 1 ILC Update from the GDE Barry Barish GDE Caltech.


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Presentation transcript:

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 1 ILC Update from the GDE Barry Barish GDE Caltech

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 2 ILC Timeline Global Design EffortProject Baseline configuration Reference Design ILC R&D Program Technical Design Expression of Interest to Host International Mgmt ….

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 3 –The Mission of the GDE Produce a design for the ILC that includes a detailed design concept, performance assessments, reliable international costing, an industrialization plan, siting analysis, as well as detector concepts and scope. Coordinate worldwide prioritized proposal driven R & D efforts (to demonstrate and improve the performance, reduce the costs, attain the required reliability, etc.)

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 4 Barish - Snowmass Plenary Talk

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 5 Baseline Configuration Document Our ‘Deliverable’ by the end of 2005 A structured electronic document –Documentation (reports, drawings etc) –Technical specs. –Parameter tables –Revisions and Evolution through Change Control Process

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 6 Baseline Configuration Document ILC Configuration Main What's New March 28, RTML section has been updated (v.Mar ) March 23, Missing figure in the “Number of Tunnels” section under the GDE White Papers has bee restored. March 16, Conventional Facilities & Siting Section has been updated (v.Mar ) March 3, RTML and Parameters Sections have been updated (v.Mar ) Change Configuration Communication Change Configuration Procedure (v.0.5, Feb. 3, 2006)Change Configuration Procedure Archives of public communications regarding BCD Change Control.Archives of public communications Change Configuration History

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 7 Baseline Configuration Document Latest Official Version of BCD BCD in MSWord files: All-in-one-file –Single PDF File (2582kB, Updated Mar.28, 2006)Single PDF File –Single MSWord File (5103kB, Updated Mar.28, 2006)Single MSWord File By Area Nodes: –General Parameters (233kB, Updated Mar. 3, 2006)General Parameters –Electron Source (296kB)Electron Source –Positron Source (316kB)Positron Source –Damping Rings (554kB, Updated Feb.27, 2006)Damping Rings –Ring to Main Linac (313kB, Updated Mar.28, 2006)Ring to Main Linac –Main Linacs (455kB)Main Linacs –Beam Delivery (543kB)Beam Delivery –TeV Upgrade Scenario (26kB)TeV Upgrade Scenario

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 8 Structure of the BCD Summary-like overview for those who want to understand the choice and the why Technical documentation of the baseline, for engineers and acc. phys. making studies towards RDR

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 9 Alternatives Section(s) Note -ACD is part of the BCD

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 10 Next Goal – Reference Design Reorganized the GDE toward Design / Cost Effort A global effort to design / cost the ILC is underway and working Configuration Control; International Costing; Industrialization; Siting A sound design must be established with convincing and affordable costing. Review and guidance for the Global R&D program to demonstrate the ILC, improve over the baseline and reduce costs.

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 11 ICFA FALC Resource Board ILCSC (MAC) GDE Directorate GDE Executive Committee Global R&D Program RDR Design Matrix GDE R & D Board GDE Change Control Board GDE Design Cost Board GDE RDR / R&D Organization Willis Garbincius Walker Foster Takasaki Dugan

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 12 Elements of the ILC R&D Program R&D in support of the BCD –Technical developments, demonstration experiments, industrialization, etc. Proposal-driven R&D in support of alternatives to the baseline –Proposals for potential improvements to the baseline, resources required, time scale, etc. –Guidance from Change Control Board Develop a prioritized DETECTOR R&D program aimed at technical developments needed to reach combined design performance goals

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 13 Global R&D Board (RDB) The Global R&D Board will be responsible for assessing and providing guidance for the overall R&D program. The RDB will suggest priorities for the research facilities and R&D supporting the baseline, the R&D on alternatives to the baseline and selective R&D that could further the field in the longer term. The mission will also include global assessments and recommended priorities for the detector R&D program and evaluate the balance between accelerator and detector R&D. The RDB will develop a proposal driven program, structured in the sense of defined goals, and milestones, and resources evaluated on a common basis to allow comparison across different regions and national funding systems. It will conduct reviews and identify gaps in coverage of topics, resource or technical issues, duplications, and other concerns..

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 14 Mission of the Global R&D Board Coordinate worldwide, prioritized, proposal- driven, R & D efforts The goal is clear, the detailed means required resolution by the RDB of issues, for example: –Level of coordination –Parallel efforts coordination, Regional needs –“Reviewing” role: Ideal vs specific R&D Program –Balance ILC/ILC Detectors issues –Goals, Timelines –Interfaces, RDB/DCB, RDB/Industrialization…

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 15 RDB Board Members and Areas Chris Damerell Eckhard Elsen Terry Garvey Hitoshi Hayano Toshiyasu Higo Tom Himel ______________________ AREAS SC CAVITIES, CRYOGENICS, BEAM DELIVERY, INJECTOR, LINAC PERFORMANCE, INSTRUMENTATION, *****DETECTORS***** Lutz Lilje Hasan Padamsee Marc Ross Andy Wolski Bill Willis (Chair) ____________________ CRYOMODULES, DAMPING RINGS, POWER SOURCE, CONTROLS, HIGH AVAILABILTY,

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 16 RDB Plan for Achieving its Mission First tackle work that leads to immediate benefits –Project Tools to allow a Work Breakdown structure to put all Global R&D on a common basis, needs: A Data Entry Tool A Data Base with flexible features A facility for generating needed Reports –CERN has kindly agreed to help us with the Data Base and Reports, and our Board member Eckhard Elsen agreed to be Data Integrator to make the system work Generate an Ideal ILC Research Program from Willis

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 17 Ideal ILC R&D Program Generate WBS for ten ILC Areas (no Cryogenics R&D identified for the Baseline), with about 400 items The structure will allow us to note links items in different Regions Assign Priorities 1 (very high), 2 (high), 3 (moderate), 4 (low) –by team of two Board members per area, with justification –Reviewed anonymously by all members, with comments –Discussion of board to reach conclusion –Face to face meeting to consider uniformities among areas 8 March –“Last” iteration took place this week Publication (RDB Public Wiki) took place this week Convenient Reports will be created from the data base at CERN soon, useful for example for Dugan 2007 meeting in May from Willis

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 18 Small sample of Data Entry from Willis

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 19 SRF Cavity Gradient Cavity type Qualified gradient Operational gradient Length*energy MV/m KmGeV initialTESLA upgradeLL * assuming 75% fill factor Total length of one 500 GeV linac  20km

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 20 Gradient Results from KEK-DESY collaboration must reduce spread (need more statistics) single-cell measurements (in nine-cell cavities)

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 21 Superconducting RF Cavities Chemical PolishElectro Polish

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 22 Baseline Gradient

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 23 Large Grain Single Crystal Nb Material

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 24 RF Power: Baseline Klystrons Thales CPI Toshiba Specification: 10MW MBK 1.5ms pulse 65% efficiency

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 25 Increase diameter beyond X-FEL Increase diameter beyond X-FEL Review 2-phase pipe size and effect of slope ILC Cryomodule

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 26 GDE Role in Coordinating / Prioritizing Large Test Facilities –SCRF Test Facilities Use of DESY TTF? Duplication of new facilities?

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 27 TESLA Test Facility Linac - DESY laser driven electron gun photon beam diagnostics undulator bunch compressor superconducting accelerator modules pre- accelerator e - beam diagnostics 240 MeV120 MeV16 MeV4 MeV

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 28 ILC cryomodule string test facility planned for the New Muon Lab Upgraded FNPL will provide beam tests of ILC cryomodules (FY08 and 09) New Muon Lab (NML) FNPL Photo-Injector Fermilab – SCRF Test Facility

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 29 ILC R&D KEK STF

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 30 GDE Role in Coordinating / Prioritizing Large Test Facilities –SCRF Test Facilities Use of DESY TTF? Duplication of new facilities? Missing Areas –SCRF Fabrication Facilities Develop and demonstrate production with yield and cost –10 KW Klystron development

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 31 Gradient Results from KEK-DESY collaboration must reduce spread (need more statistics) single-cell measurements (in nine-cell cavities)

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 32 SRF Cavity Gradient Cavity type Qualified gradient Operational gradient Length*energy MV/m KmGeV initialTESLA upgradeLL * assuming 75% fill factor Total length of one 500 GeV linac  20km

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 33 Superconducting RF Cavities Chemical PolishElectro Polish

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 34 ILC R&D DESY Cavity Preparation Electropolishing DESY

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 35 RF Power: Baseline Klystrons Thales CPI Toshiba Specification: 10MW MBK 1.5ms pulse 65% efficiency

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 36 GDE Role in Coordinating / Prioritizing Large Test Facilities –SCRF Test Facilities Use of DESY TTF? Duplication of new facilities? Missing Areas –SCRF Fabrication Facilities Develop and demonstrate production with yield and cost –10 KW Klystron development Large Scale System Tests / Demonstration –What is needed before construction can begin

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 37 ILC R&D KEK ATF  ATF2

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 38 ILC RF unit at Fermilab Plan is to build one RF unit to be tested with Beam by

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 39 GDE Role in Coordinating / Prioritizing Large Test Facilities –SCRF Test Facilities Use of DESY TTF? Duplication of new facilities? Missing Areas –SCRF Fabrication Facilities Develop and demonstrate production with yield and cost –10 KW Klystron development Large Scale System Tests / Demonstration –What is needed before construction can begin Preparing for Contruction Project –Industrialization

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 40 Increase diameter beyond X-FEL Increase diameter beyond X-FEL Review 2-phase pipe size and effect of slope ILC Cryomodule

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 41 How and when to involve industry? Large Scale Project Characterization –Large Project Management –Precision Engineering –International Coordination –Costing Industrialization –Civil Construction & Infrastructure –Cryogenics –Superconducting RF structures, couplers, etc –Electronics and Control Systems –Large Scale Computing What Industrialization is Regional vs GDE ?

20 April 06 P5 - SLAC Global Design Effort 42 Conclusions Where do we want to be by 2010? –A global technical design proposal International costing and plan for how to build ILC –A global organization and management Seamless transition to central management –A globally coordinated R&D program Coordinated or central funding, planning and management What we need to do to reach the Goals above? –Support and work within GDE framework R&D program and industrialization