VIP: Goals Develop a Web based resource that will allow students to establish clear connections between the concepts, ideas, and experimental activities that constitute the core of the chemistry curriculum. Tool for classroom and laboratory instructors
Concept Map Approach The work on the “Separations Thread” relied on the construction of concept maps to build connections among central concepts. Cmap Toolkit, University of West Florida Separations: A Concept Map VIP website
Lessons Better define the philosophy of the website Establish clearer author guidelines Develop website design guidelines Build a stronger working group (faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students, and ….) Build a prototype Need to:
ConceptsTechniquesApplicationExploration Introductory Intermediate Advanced Macroscopic Microscopic Symbolic Text Visual/Graphics Interactive Metacognitive Website Elements link
ConceptsTechniquesApplicationExploration Introductory Intermediate Advanced Macroscopic Microscopic Symbolic Text Visual/Graphics Interactive Metacognitive Website Elements link
Techniques Intermediate Macroscopic Microscopic Symbolic Text Visual/ Graphics InteractiveMetacognitive Webpage Elements Webpages
One Example: TLC Techniques TextVisual/ Graphic InteractiveMetacognitive Macroscopic Running the plate Vessel Spotting Marking Visualization Picture of plate Film of running plate Film of running plate Simulation to study the effect of different solutes and solvents Concept map Microscopic Solvent/solid phase interactions Polarity Molecular view of process Horse race metaphor Symbolic