Ronan Fitzpatrick June 2007 A dissertation life cycle
Incubation Proposal ResearchContributionValidation New Hypothesis Dissertation DisseminationApplication Presentation MSc life cycle
Incubation Searching around for ideas Academic & Practitioner Calls for Papers (SEWorld & ITWorld) Build on what you know (Undergraduate or work project).
Proposal Structure & Format Academic/Practitioner input ‘Know it already’ pitfall Convince your supervisor that you have a project.
Proposal content Introduction Project background Project aim and objectives Intellectual challenge Research program Project deliverables Resources required for the project References.
Research Address title topics Depth & Breath Seminal sources Contact world experts.
Contribution Synthesis New model, Framework, CSFs, Guidelines Proof of concept by prototype implementation.
Validation Return to Academic/Practitioner/World expert Incorporate any feedback.
Dissertation – what it is not It is not just a literature review It is not just a Literature review with some conclusions It is not just a literature review which proposes ‘something new’ It is not just a design for a new application It is not just a design and working application (Tierney, 2007)
Dissertation - definition An extended scholarly essay, usually based upon original research, submitted for a degree or other academic qualification. (Oxford English Dictionary, 2007) In academia, a thesis or dissertation is a document that presents the author's research and findings and is submitted in support of candidature for a degree or professional qualification. (Wikipedia, 2007)
Dissertation Scholarly document Focused on the MSc award route Author’s original research Literature review Implementation/contribution Findings Testing (evaluation) Conclusions
Dissertation See ‘Crafting a dissertation’ for: Structure Content Format.
Dissemination Journals Conferences Practice Course website.
Application For academic use: As chapters, papers, for creating your deliverable As student readings For practitioner use: As tools and practice guidelines As part of your portfolio.
New Hypothesis Learning from applying deliverable Considering new research Formulating new hypotheses.
Presentation – Viva Voce Overview, presentation, summary General overview of what you did Avoid giving a lecture 15 slides is about right Emphasise your contributions In research, in deliverables Rehearse alone in advance.
Three pronged strategy Research Code Report
Life cycle Any questions on life cycle?