Directions to Camera Point: From the parking lot, head south along the path until the three way intersection by the restrooms. Turn east and there will be a bridge. Camera point 6 is on the north side of the bridge, specifically the second bridge post from the side opposite the bathrooms. North 6 6A
Photo of Camera PointPhoto Point Map 1A Key Starting Point Photo Point Camera Point 1 North
Location West Tributary Kelsey Creek Photo Point 6A Camera Point 6 Bearing 303° Goal Monitor stream restoration project Duration 10 years Regime 1 time each year Date 11/5/09 Time 11:30AM Notes: White block on upper left side of photo point, it is a sign.
Directions to Camera Point: From the parking lot, head south along the path until the three way intersection by the restrooms. Turn east and there will be a bridge. Camera point 7 is on the south side of the bridge, specifically the first bridge post from the side opposite the bathrooms. North 7 7A
Photo of Camera PointPhoto Point Map 1A Key Starting Point Photo Point Camera Point 1 North
Location West Tributary Kelsey Creek Photo Point 7A Camera Point 7 Bearing 194° Goal Monitor stream restoration project Duration 10 years Regime 1 time each year Date 11/5/09 Time 11:52AM Notes: Looking downstream, no noticeable landmarks.