The following is a real (but not perfect) example of vision statement, mission statement and core values for a health care organization. Use it only as a class reference.
Vision XYZ will be a recognized leader in clinical care. Our patients and their families will experience exceptional service. We will join with others to create healthy communities.
Mission Statement XYZ will provide exceptional care for all and create healthy communities.
Guiding Principles (Core Values) As members of the XYZ, we commit to the following values: Community Benefit To commit our actions to benefit the community we serve Integrity To be honest, trustworthy and consistent in our words Excellence in Service Quality To identify and exceed the expectations of those we serve Partnership To learn from and work with our community through collaboration and cooperation Stewardship To hold ourselves accountable for the responsible use of resources Leadership To envision possibilities, seek opportunities, advocate and act to meet community needs Respect To recognize the intrinsic value and dignity of all individuals Compassion To respond to the feelings and needs of each person with kindness, concern and empathy.