Dr Roger Bennett Rm. 23 Xtn Directed Reading
Summary – Indicator diagrams and real engines Carnot cycle viewed from the Temperature- Entropy (T-S) indicator diagram and its comparison to the P-V diagram. Efficiency of the Otto cycle (Petrol engine). Comparison of compression ratio’s of petrol and diesel engines.
Summary – Enthalpy and flow processes Joule –Thompson throttling Derivation of the Joule coefficient. Properties of real gases.
Carnot Cycle P-V diagrams familiar. 2 adiabats 2 isotherms T-S diagram Carnot cycle closed rectangle. Reversible adaibats are isentropic. đQ R =0 Area enclosed = work done per cycle. V P a b c d S T a b c d
Otto Cycle P-V diagram. 2 adiabats 2 isochores r is the compression ratio. Fuel and air is compressed on a b. Taken from University Physics 11 th Ed., Young and Freedman.
Diesel Cycle Diesel engine slightly different to other cycles. 2 adiabats 1 isochore 1 isobar r is again the compression ratio. Only air is compressed on a b.
Efficiencies of real engines Thermal efficiency of Otto cycle (petrol engine) =1-1/(r ( -1) ) Typically r=8 and =1.4 so efficiencies ~55% A real engine is typically ~35% Diesel cycle injects fuel at start of power stroke with fuel igniting spontaneously. Typically r is higher~ Efficiency then ~65%. Diesels much more complex engines due to injecting fuels at high pressure.
Joule Thompson-Throttling Typical model is pushing gas through a porous plug in an adiabatic container. Enthalpy U+PV is conserved Various examples, turbines and nozzles – see C.B.P. Finn Thermal physics. PiTiPiTi PfTfPfTf Porous plug PiTiViPiTiVi Porous plug P i +dPPfPf
Joule Coefficient Joule Thompson effect is the change of temperature of a gas as it expands through a throttle from high pressure to lower. For an ideal gas JT =0 This effect is used for the liquefaction of gases.