EPFL ACM ICPC Qualifiers Program Committee I&C, EPFL.
No Inet access. Only EPFL websites work – – C, CPP and Java extensions only. For C/C++ we automatically include the math library (parameter -lm to gcc) Use the paper statements! Don't trust 100% the online statements of the problems – we did not have time to update them properly. lapsrv4.epfl.ch is a Xeon 3.60 Ghz machine with 4 cores, with 8GB RAM and the versions of GCC and Java SDK are the same as on your local machines.
Languages & Commands No Pascal!!!! Filename is irrelevant. File extensions are crucial.
Dry Run Dry run is not for ranking. It is for contestants to get acquainted with the system. Try everything before making correct submission of the problem (resubmission of correct problem is not possible). 2 very simple problems. Use every function of mooshak during this run.
Main Contest 7 problems in 5 hours. Solutions to problems submitted for judging are called runs. Each run is judged as accepted or rejected, and the team is notified of the results. Rejected runs will be marked as follows: –run-time error –time-limit exceeded –wrong answer –presentation error
Scoring Teams are ranked according to the number of problems solved. Teams who solve the same number of problems are ranked first by least total time and, if needed, by the earliest time of submittal of the last accepted run. The total time is the sum of the time consumed for each problem solved. The time consumed for a solved problem is the time elapsed from the beginning of the contest to the submittal of the first accepted run plus 20 penalty minutes for every previously rejected run for that problem. There is no time consumed for a problem that is not solved.
Mooshak Visualize the problems descriptions; Load a source program and submit it as an intended solution for a given problem; ask questions to the judges; read a FAQ page with answers to common questions; access to the full list of questions and corresponding answers from the judges; access the list of submissions that have been made since the beginning of the contest; access the current clarification.
Thank you for your attention Any Questions?