Why search again and again? Encore and next-generation searching at UQ Keith Webster University Librarian & Director of Learning Services.


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Presentation transcript:

Why search again and again? Encore and next-generation searching at UQ Keith Webster University Librarian & Director of Learning Services

Collections grid highlow high stewardship uniqueness Books Journals Newspapers Gov. docs CD, DVD Maps Scores Special collections Rare books Local/Historical newspapers Local history materials Archives & Manuscripts, Theses & dissertations Research, learning and administrative materials, ePrints/tech reports Learning objects Courseware E-portfolios Research data Institutional records Reports, newsletters, etc Freely-accessible web resources Open source software Newsgroup archives

Discover ShareGather Create

Discover Structured Finding Serendipitous Finding Keeping Current Collaborative Finding

Discover Gather Structured Finding Serendipitous Finding Keeping Current Collaborative Finding Collecting Organizing Acquiring

Discover Gather Create Structured Finding Reviewing & Rating Writing Annotating Analyzing Serendipitous Finding Keeping Current Collaborative Finding Collecting Organizing Acquiring Describing

Discover ShareGather Create Structured Finding Data Sharing Reviewing & Rating Writing Annotating Rights Publishing Analyzing Serendipitous Finding Keeping Current Collaborative Finding Collecting Organizing Acquiring Teaching Describing

Resources and tools Collection development: Specialist books Know what is good scientific practice in each field How to search, find and critique the literature old and new Help with literature searches and bibliographies Help with updating services eg RSS feeds etc How to use search tools Know about publication changes in online and print Knowledgeable about technology Provides online tutorials on every aspect of thesis production User education and ‘how to manage consumption rather than content’

Disciplines Know the disciplines Know the research methodologies in competing paradigms of a discipline Be able to refer to the best theoretical underpinnings in subjects Know who’s who in the subject fields Know the key journals in the disciplines Knowledge of impact factors eg h index and JCR

Research General – Research ethics and plagiarism; copyright – Aware of social and cultural values the researcher must respect – Research savvy Guidance – Have model PhD theses for each subject – Know about thesis structure – Have models of literature reviews in every subject

Research Process – Help students relate the theory to their study – How to write a good introduction and conclusion – Know about academic writing and needed writing skills – How to prepare a bibliography – Referencing techniques – Data management practices Publication – Understand order of authorship for publication – Know where to publish and how to choose journals

Other Understands teaching and learning – theory, methods, paradigms, styles Knowledge of digital rights and intellectual property Effectively markets him/herself and the library and its services Supports open access Actively involved in institutional repositories; find ways of ‘harvesting e resources‘ Forward thinking about acquisitions and collection development Support collaboration; sharing and promoting access to resources – promoting access and curation in the new information age – knowledge management Explore new ways of servicing an increasingly remote user population Libraries must ‘undergo continual upgrade and modification’ like other resources - needs sustainable plan

Librarians must be visible and knowledgeable, enter the user’s space: services and resources not our space; it’s never been easier to bypass the library

I want some information - books and journal articles on global warming in Australia

OK, so we have looked for library books. Now we need to think about journal articles.

Of course, if that is too much effort, we could try a federated search…

Now, does that completely answer your query?

72% of students rank search engines as best choice for finding information 2% use library web site as starting point 67% learn about electronic resources from friends 53% rate information from search engines as trustworthy as library information

Helms-Park et al, Internet and Higher Education (2007)

Simple search box

Popular/relevant results

Narrowing of results

Use of tags

Use the rich metadata the library already has MARC dataSubject headings ILS data such as cataloged date, circulation status etc. Indexing

Search all of the Library’s resources Union DatabasesFederated Search Enriched Content Electronic Resource Management Data

This is just the beginning! Discovery: Community Tagging Collection enrichment: Community Reviews & Ratings Delivery: Patron Record Activity Alerts “Materials on the hold shelf for you”

Initial implementation Huge uptake - exposed server problems Positive feedback from the majority Haven’t used in production during semester - yet Exposes the sins of cataloguing decisions over the years Trade-off between collaborative development and local look and feel