Critical Teaching By: Shannon Young, Corey Brown, Tori-Lyndin Guerard
What Teachers Need To Do
View life through critical lens. View life through critical lens. –Everything is a learning Experience. Teach the whole story. Teach the whole story. Look for Student’s individual gifts. Look for Student’s individual gifts.
Teach to full potential. Teach to full potential. Diversity in the class. Diversity in the class.
Everything is subject matter. picture.jpg&imgrefurl= picture.htm&h=347&w=350&sz=17&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=TmquYF3LRhT61M:&tbnh=119&tbnw=120&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dandrew%2Bjackson%26gbv% 3D2%26hl%3Den
Teacher-Student respect. Teacher-Student respect. Involvement of students. Involvement of students. Equality within student body. Equality within student body.
Engage students. Ask questions that provoke critical thought. Engage students. Ask questions that provoke critical thought. Student to student teaching. Student to student teaching. Connections between Connections between learning and self. learning and self.
Question if we are teaching the wrong things. Question if we are teaching the wrong things. What is effective and what is counterproductive? What is effective and what is counterproductive?
Helen Keller
“We teach for the society we live in, or we can teach for the one we want to see.”
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