Bobwhite Quail Characteristics EDIT – 652 Distant Learning Eric Burke October 22, 2005
Bobwhite Quail Identifications These quail are a small, ground-dwelling member of the avian species. These birds command respect because of their crafty survival instincts. Quail are about 9 to 10 inches in length and average about six to seven ounces in weight, with females slightly heavier than males.
Bobwhite Quail Identifications Males have white chins and upper throats, a white stripe that extends from the bill through the eye to the back of the head, and a brown to black chest collar under the throat and chin. Feathers of the breast and abdomen are white with black barring while upper body and body and wing feathers are muted tones of brown and gray barred with black.
Bobwhite Quail Identifications By contrast, the female is similar, but duller. Her markings are more buff colored. Females have tan instead of white coloration on the throat, chin, eyestrip and under parts. Females also lack black neck collars and exhibit brown barring or mottling of body feathers.
Bobwhite Quail Identifications Newly hatched chicks have a downy grayish- buff underside with black strips down the side and a chestnut-red back and head.
Bobwhite Quail Identifications Just about everyone is familiar with male's call for which the species is named. The call is a whistled bob-bob-white. The male makes this call to attract females during the breeding period.
Bobwhite Quail Identifications Bobwhites are a very vocal bird. They are constantly calling to check on each other. When a group of bobwhites become separated from each other, such as chased by predators, they will, when the danger passes, start calling back and forth to one another until the group is reunited.