Global Healthcare Exchange
What are the characteristics and advantages of a neutral, third-party exchange?
What are the key trends in healthcare industry that led to the formation of GHX? Rising costs Increasing power of managed care organizations Increasing consolidation Shift from inpatient to outpatient Rise of group purchasing organizations (GPO) Labor shortage An aging population Foreign Markets under stress
Government regulation Innovation Privacy and security Multi-Tiered industry structure Increased value of information Online marketplaces respond
What were the key components of healthcare industry value chain? Exhibit 3b page 19
How has GHX responded to key industry trends?
Trace the evolution of GHX strategies, business models, and technology solutions. Key strategies? Business models? Technology solutions?
How has GHX evolved to support collaborative commerce?
What are the unique characteristics of GHX as an LLP instead of a public start-up company? How will its organization and governance structure enhance or constrain its future expansion?